I’m so excited about this fun I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns activity that will bring in two different manipulatives the kids love – ribbon wands and rhythm sticks! It’s a unique and fun pairing and I’m thrilled with how the two came together.
If you’re teaching I Will Be Valiant (archives) this month, you’ll appreciate all the fun ideas I’ve got coming to teach this song.
*See all I Will Be Valiant Singing Time Ideas Here*

I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns Lesson Plan
Start by singing through I Will Be Valiant (flip chart here) once before introducing this activity.
Then, demonstrate just the up down pattern for ribbon wands and a tapping pattern (doesn’t need to be held high). Show the children how the sequence will go.
First, the ribbon wands will do the first line (up-down). Now, the ribbon wand friends need to hold their wands still, it’s the rhythm sticks turn.

Rhythm sticks tap through the next line of the song. Now, the rhythm sticks need to hold real still. We’ll keep rotating these two every other line. Do you think you can do that with me? Pass out the items.
Sing the song with alternating lines for ribbon wands then rhythm sticks. Swap manipulatives with your neighbor, sing again.

Now, have them try doing their actions at the same time throughout the whole song.
I think you’re ready for a challenge! Can you follow this pattern? Teach the ribbon wand pattern and let the kids try it. Now teach the rhythm sticks pattern and let the kids try following along. Sing through the song. Then switch manipulatives and try it again!
Ribbon Wands Pattern:
- Up-Down – Snap the ribbon wand straight up and down “The Lord needs valiant servants”
- Left-Right – Swing quickly straight right and then left “to do his work in the latter days”
- Big Circles – Make big swooping circles in front of you “who follow the teaching of Jesus”
- Sweep – Drag the ribbon wand on the floor like you’re sweeping “and serve his people in a loving way”
- Up-Down – “I will be his servant”
- Left-Right – “and keep my cov’nants valiantly”
- Big Circles – “I’ll stand for truth. I’ll stand for right.”
- Sweep – “The Lord can depend on me.”
Rhythm Sticks Pattern:
- Tap Up High – Tap the rhythm sticks high above your head with a fast pace “The Lord needs valiant servants”
- Left, Right – Tap to the left, then the right, repeat left, right. 4 taps during the measure “to do his work in the latter days”
- Tap Partner on Right – Hold your rhythm sticks out to each side, one to the right and one to the left. Tap your partner to the right’s rhythm stick they’re holding towards you. “who follow the teaching of Jesus”
- Rub – Slide the top rhythm stick up and down the bottom rhythm stick. “and serve his people in a loving way”
- Tap Up High – “I will be his servant”
- Left, Right – “and keep my cov’nants valiantly”
- Tap Partner on Right – “I’ll stand for truth. I’ll stand for right.”
- Rub – “The Lord can depend on me.”
I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns Demo Video
If you have any issues with this video loading or simply want to save it for later, you can head over to see this I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns video on our Primary Singing Time playlist!
Continue below for a printable poster and lesson plan. Then, for another really fun team pattern activity using paper plates and sand blocks, see our Search Ponder and Pray Team Patterns singing time idea.
I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns
Printable Pattern Poster
This free in-post printable includes a 1-page pattern guide. It’s perfect to keep on the podium to help you teach and lead the two sets of actions!

You’ll find additional extended printables including a larger pattern page for each manipulative and full page reusable action cards for all 8 actions. This are included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when I Will Be Valiant is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
Head over next to see our ideas for having guests come in for tag team singing to teach I Will Be Valiant!
What other fun ways could you extend this I Will Be Valiant Team Patterns activity? How did it go over in your Primary?