I Will Shine Flashlight Seek

You’ll have your Primary kiddos full attention with this fun I Will Shine Flashlight Seek activity! Bring different images that represent each line of the song to view with a cutout flashlight that helps highlight the images.

This activity will be super easy to make on your own with my printable image template and lesson plan in this post to help inspire additional teaching ideas, too!

You’ll love this new song by Shawna Edwards I Will Shine that was published in the Friend magazine in January 2022! You can find the sheet music at that link. It is considered pre-approved to teach in Primary as it is published on the church website.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek


To prepare for this activity you’ll need a dark piece of cardstock. Black, dark blue, or other dark color.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Print out the template sheet to trace or use it as a guide to help you draw images to represent each line of the song on a sheet protector. Use a matching or similar color sharpie to draw the images.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Slip the dark cardstock inside the sheet protector and your images will be mostly obscured.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

How to Play:

Sing through I Will Shine song once, before introducing this activity.

Ask: What is one of the words you heard us sing more than once? (Take a few answers until you hear light or shine!)

You’re right, this song we’re talking about sharing our light! Pull out your flashlight seek game. Let’s see if we can find some shapes to match the song!

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Sing through the first line of the song all together. Then, slip the flashlight cutout into the sheet protector in front of the dark cardstock. Slowly move from icon to icon and have the children raise their hand when they think you’ve found the ‘right’ picture.

You can demo with the first line by asking what should we look for hidden in this picture? Let’s see if we can find it!

When they’ve found the matching image, have the children then echo sing back to you the line from the song.

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Continue to sing through the song with one line, find the shape, and then echo sing back the line! This will give you strong repetition to help the kids learn the lyrics!

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Alternate Activities:

  • Build up the song by singing from the beginning and adding the next line each time. You’ll also be building up your pattern of images in order like a game of Simon to match the color pattern.
  • Sing through the whole song and let 2 helpers (one for the verse poster and one for the chorus poster) seek to highlight the image for each line of the song while you sing it! Switch out for new helpers to sing the song again and again.
  • Cut out circle light beams. Slip them into the sheet protector and highlight each image as you learn that part of the song, keeping all current images lit up as you learn the song!
  • Cut out the song images and put them inside an envelope. Have the kids work together in small groups to put them in song order while you sing through the song.
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

For another fun singing time game that lets you get a little crafty while creating something super fun to help you illustrate your song or sing through a variety of songs, head over to see this Magic Paper Towel Art singing time game!

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek Printable Template

I’ve created this easy to use template with different images to align with the first verse and chorus of I Will Shine. This makes it super easy to recreate just slip the printable into a sheet protector and trace with a sharpie!

You’ll also find a printable page with two flashlights so you can use one for the verse and one for the chorus while singing through the song!

I Will Shine Flashlight Seek singing time idea with a printable template to help you create a magic hidden scene that you'll reveal one image at a time with the cutout flashlight that highlights each icon! Grab this printable template and follow along with our lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Members of my INSTANT Primary Singing monthly plan will find a bonus printable lesson plan and an additional sheet of images for the 2nd verse as part of April New Testament’s printables!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another perfect way to teach this song, head over to see this I Will Shine Types of Light singing time idea!

I Will Shine Types of Light - Use these different representation and sources of light to help deepen the connection with this song and sharing our personal light of Christ. Plus fun actions you can use as you sing the word "light" throughout the song! Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song.

What other fun ways could you use this I Will Shine Flashlight Seek idea? I can’t wait to see how this activity went with your Primary! Share your experiences in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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