Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game

Looking for a really fun and different way to sing a variety of songs? The kids will LOVE this Magic Paper Towel Art review game! It will completely wow them as the colors magically appear when you add water!

I think this would work best to review a variety of songs, but you could also use it for one line at a time with different pictures. See even more fun Primary Song review games here.

I’ve made this one specifically with a Valentine’s Day Singing Time in mind, but it would work anytime of the year.

Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

How to Make Magic Paper Towel Art


  • Paper Towels
  • Sharpie
  • Washable markers
  • Tray with water
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

How to Make Magic Paper Towel Art:

  • Take a paper towel and fold it in half.
  • Use the templates below to trace or inspire your ideas and draw an outline pattern on the front half with a sharpie.
  • Unfold and trace the outline again on the under layer.
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
  • Use a piece of paper or another paper towel to block any color bleed on this next step! You want the top layer to ONLY have the sharpie. Add color using washable markers. They’ll bleed when added to water and spread through the top layer of the paper towel.
  • You can keep a second paper towel piece between the layers so they can’t see the colors through.
Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Valentines Day Magic Paper Towel Art12
  • Then, when you’re ready, just lay the paper towel into a tray of water and watch the magic colors reveal!
  • You’ll want a paper plate or something near by to move the wet paper towels out of the way for the next reveal.
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game

Ask the children to pick one of the 6 pictures from the front half view. Just place them on the table and let them point to their choice. Hold it up and have the children try to guess what song it might go with the picture.

Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Call one class to come up (5-8 kids) and huddle around the tray or use a camera to show the reveal to the whole room! Reveal the hidden picture by putting the paper towel art into a dish of water and watch the colors bleed through.

Sing through the song revealed. Then start again picking another image and reveal!

Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Valentines Day Magic Paper Towel Art4
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Alternate: To skip the water element, you can use these layered with a flashlight instead! You can use with or without the sneak peek cover image. Just add a cardstock cover, then shine a flashlight from behind.
  • Give the kids 2 minutes to draw a picture for their favorite Primary song. Shuffle them and randomly pick one to reveal with a flashlight (or towel art) and then sing their song choice!
Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

For another fun singing time idea with a similar feel, head over to see this Magic Messages Review Game for any song you’d like!!

Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Magic Messages3

6 Magic Paper Towel Art Song Templates

I’ve included simple template ideas you can copy when making your own paper towel art! Or, use it with a flashlight to magically reveal the song!

Magic Paper Towel Art song review game for Singing Time with any songs you'd like magically add colors with water. Ready with Valentine's Day song ideas or add your own  songs! Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
Magic Paper Towel Art Review Game Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You can find a larger full-page option as part of February Book of Mormon INSTANT Primary Singing so you can just print and play.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another fun idea to use this Valentine’s Day, head over to see this I Love Getting to Know You Survey! Get to know the Primary children better — and for them to get to know you!

Getting to Know You Printable Survey - Fun questionnaire for LDS Primary Music Leaders or Come Follow Me for Primary Sunday School teachers! Includes a section for them to fill-in their favorites and then a section to pick which they prefer in a would you rather game! Easy ideas to use this in singing time as well.

I can’t wait to hear how your Primary loved these Magic Paper Towel Art and song reveals!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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