I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words

Are you looking for a super engaging way to teach I Will Walk with Jesus in Primary? You’re going to love the tie in with all these colorful I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint words as you have the kids help you find the correct missing word and fill in the blank!

** See all I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time Ideas here **

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words

This really cute idea came from Jori Hazen, and she graciously allowed me to create a printable file and work it up into a full lesson plan for those that wanted to use her fun idea! Thanks Jori for sharing your talents and creative idea with us!

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

How to Play:

Sing through I Will Walk with Jesus once, before introducing the activity.

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

Put up the blank lyric word posters, and then scatter the footprints all around the rest of the white board. Scramble them up before you put them up on the board so you’re not placing them up in order.

Start to sing, and then pause, oh wait! We’re missing something here! What comes next?

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

Call up a child to find the correct word and add it to the poster.

Start over from the beginning and sing through as far as you can adding additional footprints along the way. This will build in TONS of repetition and keep it engaging for the kids.

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

BONUS: Can they find the song title in the footprints? There are 2 extra footprints in the 1st verse and chorus (1 in the colored) that help to bridge the existing pieces to make the title!

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

Extension Activities:

  • Hide the footprints under the children’s chairs and have the kids sitting in those chairs come up when they think they have the correct word!
  • Play as a competition game where you take turns with which side of the room tries to guess the next word. If they get it wrong, the other side gets a chance to steal the point!
  • Add a fun action to do whenever you get to a footprint, such as:
    • Stomp
    • Quickly stand and sit back down
    • Take one step to the right (top foot) then one step to the left (bottom foot)
I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas
  • When you’ve added all the footprints, skip singing the “feet” words. Now switch and ONLY sing the feet words. Split the room and have one side sing the poster and one sing the feet.
  • Remove the feet and feed them to a “song monster” as the kids learn the words!
  • Print out the extra page of footprints with 4 additional words that don’t belong to up the challenge for Senior Primary!

I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words Video Demo

Want a better idea of how this activity works in singing time? Join us for this singing time activity video demo! You’ll love seeing this lesson plan in action with how we would use it during Primary. Make sure you like the video and check out the channel for TONS of singing time helps and sing along videos!

>> I Will Walk With Jesus Footprint Words Video Demo <<

We'll Bring the World His Truth Fill in the Blank

For another awesome activity with a similar theme, see how we talk We’ll Bring the World His Truth with a Fill in the Blanks singing time idea.

I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words Printable Lesson Plan

This printable lesson plan is a whoppin’ 40 pages long!! But don’t fear, you won’t need all of the pages! At most, if you’re doing all 3 verses and the chorus, you’ll print 29 pages – and choose either the pre-colored or the black and white footprints, whichever best fits your needs.

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

I don’t really recommend using this activity for all 3 verses, but you can pick and choose the verses you need and add the chorus as well if you’d like. There’s a helpful printing guide within the printable to help you print out just the pages you will need for the verses you decide to use.

There is an option to print using black and white and adding fun colorful paper or an already colored footprints option for those that don’t have colored paper on hand or just like the pre-selected colors!

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

You’ll be able to download or print the document just below, here are the directions to accessing our printable files:

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Jump over next to this I Will Walk with Jesus Learn & Teach task! You’ll let the kids learn just one line of the song and pick a way to teach it to the rest of the Primary – so fun and easy!

I Will Walk with Jesus Learn & Teach singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders

What other fun extension ideas could you add to this I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words singing time idea? How did your Primary like this activity?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

2 thoughts on “I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words”

  1. It says that “view manuals” extension to chrome is not trusted. i would like to download a couple of manuals.


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