I’ll Walk with You Word Blanks

To help you get started teaching this Primary song, your Primary kiddos will love this I’ll Walk with You Word Blanks activity! It’s a great way to dive into pointing out a couple of key-phrases to highlight from the song while adding in lots of singing repetition!

I’ll Walk with You is one of the Come Follow Me Primary Songs for the New Testament year in July!

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

I’ll Walk with You Word Blanks

How to Play:

Sing through I’ll Walk with You (flip chart) once, before introducing this activity. This is a great way to transition from another activity and remind the children of the words before you start on a focused activity.

Post the first page with two word blanks on the board. Tell the children you have a phrase from the song here, you need help with finding. Ask the children to name a couple of letters (2-3). Fill in any correct letters where they go on your word blanks.

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

Any incorrect letters you’ll write off to the side. You can draw a child (not in a noose) to add the original hangman feel, but just keep adding accessories such as shoes, a hat, maybe a wheelchair or glasses or other inclusive features. You can draw one piece for each correct letter or for each incorrect.

After you have filled in a few of the letters, sing through the song again. Tell the children to listen carefully while they sing to see if they might be able to hear the correct line. If they think they know what the line of the song is, sing it nice and loud!

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

The kids will be really engaged with trying to find the right word, picking out letters, and working together to learn the song, while you get in tons of singing repetition!

When they have all the missing letters, have a child come up to draw a big line between the words to divide the string of letters into words! Who can decode the phrase?

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

Song Phrase Blanks:

– – – – – – – – – – – (walkwithyou = walk with you)

– – – – – – – – – – (iwilliwill = I will I will)

– – – – – – – – – – – – (comefollowme = come follow me)

– – – – – – – – – – (showmylove = show my love)

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

Extension Activities:

  • Decide on a fun BIG motion to do in place of any of these phrases in the song after you’ve solved for them! Earn the action as you solve for the word phrase. Here are some ideas to get you started:
    • Walk with you – March and switch spots with the person beside you
    • I will, I will – Jump twice
    • Come follow me – Spin in a circle
    • Show my love – blow a kiss
  • Hide the letters all around the room, and then let them unscramble the letters they find into the word blanks in the correct order.
  • Cut out all the letters for each phrase and scramble them. Put the letters inside an envelope and pass each phrase out to a different class. Let them unscramble their letters to create the word phrase. Then, switch envelopes to the next phrase!
The Holy Ghost Hangman Blanks - a fun no prep Primary singing time idea for music leaders! A go-to activity every chorister needs in their back pocket! #lds #primary #singingtime

For another lesson plan that uses this activity, head over to see this The Holy Ghost Hangman Blanks lesson plan for additional ideas!

I’ll Walk with You Word Blanks Printable Helps

This printable includes a 1-page word blanks in both black and white and color (to help indicate that each is it’s own puzzle to solve). It includes all 4 phrases on a single page printable which you can post or mimic on the whiteboard!

I'll Walk with You Word Blanks singing time ideas! Use these long blanks in a row and have the kids guess letters until they can figure out the phrase! It's a fun twist on hangman that will add in lots of song repetition and fun! See the lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and families.
I'll Walk with You Word Blanks Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan plus larger format word blanks and letter cards for additional ways to use this activity included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when I’ll Walk with You is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Here’s another great way to teach this song, head over to this I’ll Walk with You Numbers & Actions lesson plan!

I'll Walk with You Numbers and Actions singing time activity for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this song as part of the Come Follow Me New Testament song picks! You'll love this number representation of several keywords that help make learning the song fun and interesting using logic learning styles.

What other ways could you extend or incorporate this I’ll Walk with You Word Blanks idea into your Singing time?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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