My Dad Spot the Difference Pictures

If you’re looking for a cute and spunky song Father’s Day Songs for Primary Children to teach this year, you’re going to love this fun alternative to the classic Daddy’s Homecoming: My Dad. It’s upbeat and fun and easy to learn. Today, I’ll share this cute My Dad Spot the Difference game for a great way to teach this song in your Primary room!

You’ll simply show to slightly different versions of a cute picture that goes with each line of the song and see if the kids can find the difference between the two! You’ll get in lots of song repetition while keeping their attention while you build upon the song line after line.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

My Dad Spot the Difference

How to Play:

Print out the picture pairs and cut them out. Glue each picture on a piece of cardstock, then fold it in half so one picture is on the front, and one on the back, but you can unfold to see both side by side.

Sing through My Dad (flip chart here) once before introducing this activity.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

Show the first picture pair card holding one side towards the kids and ask the children to study it closely while you sing through the song. Ask if they’re ready, then flip over the picture to the backside so they now only see the alternate picture. Ask them to look and raise their hands if the notice what’s different.

Give the kids a little bit of time to look over the picture to try to spot what has changed. Call on a volunteer to answer and point out what’s different. Open up the page so the kids can see both pictures side by side and everyone can find the difference. Ask what the first line of the song is? Sing it out loud together! Then, put that first picture up on the board to represent the first line.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

Sing through the song again with a second picture showing one side and repeat!

Continue to show the pictures and sing through the verse adding each one to the board until you’ve made your way through the whole song.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

If you’re running short on time or want to do more than one song during your singing time, you can do 2 pictures at a time and have helpers come up front to hold them for you or just pick a couple of the pictures to use for the spot the difference.

Tell the children that each of our dads are different and we have different experiences, but we all have a Heavenly Father that we know loves us. Even if we hear him talk to us in different ways or learn of him differently, he’s still all of our dads!

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Play a game of match! Cut out all the pieces both the original and with the subtle change. Have the kids flip them over 2 at a time looking for a match. When they find a match, have them spot the difference!
  • Use the 1-page as a sing-along guide and send it home with the kids! Have them practice the song at home and color in the scene. Can they add they draw in their own subtle changes?
  • Hide the different spot the difference alternate pictures around the room. Have someone hunt for the first missing match while you sing, then share the difference!
  • Sing only one half of a line at a time (one pictures worth) as you build upon the song. This is a good option if teaching the song for the very first time. Each time you add a picture, add another line of the song. You may have to sing the line 2-3 times when you only have a couple lines to sing at the beginning, but as you build up the song you can shorten it to just singing once through as far as you’ve learned!
This I Want to Live the Gospel Tray of Objects is such a fun nature activity to use as you teach this new song this month! Choose a bunch of items to put on a tray to show during singing time. Then, put the tray away and see how many items they can guess correctly! Ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders or fun Come Follow Me lesson at home. #LDS #Primary #Singingtime #Musicleader

For another twist on this activity, head over to see this I Want to Live the Gospel Tray of Object lesson plan!

My Dad Spot the Difference Game

Included in this free in-post printable is a set of 1/4 sheet my dad spot the difference cards! It’s 2 pages of cards and another 2 pages with the differences for a 4-page printable.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.
My Dad Spot the Difference Pictures Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan plus additional fun sizes including 1/2 page cards and a 1-page printable sing-along coloring page included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership in the May Old Testament packet.

Or, pick up the extended printables and custom art flip chart in my shop here! It’s also available in my Etsy shop here.

My Dad Spot the Difference singing time idea! Use this fun way to teach this LDS Primary song for Father's Day! You'll show a picture while you sing the verse, then flip it to the alternate picture with one small change and see if the kids can spot the difference! Printable activity for Primary music leaders.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

To help you teach this song, head over to see all of my printable My Dad Flip Chart options, including a slideshow option.

My Dad flip chart & lyrics Father's Day song for LDS Primary music leaders teaching visual aids with pictures and colorful keywords! Plus, a slideshow flipchart option.

What other fun ways could you incorporate this fun spot the difference activity into your singing time lesson plan? I can’t wait to hear your ideas to expand on this activity!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

4 thoughts on “My Dad Spot the Difference Pictures”

  1. How do I access the May Old Testament Packet from my Instant Members membership/area for the extended printables?

    • Hey Brieann,

      Files are released for the matching songs from the Come Follow Me list plus additional bonus holiday ideas/songs. This activity’s bonus printables will be included when it rolls around to the Old Testament song list.

  2. Help! I’m trying to print the find the difference game for my dad and it’s nowhere! every time i click on it, it just sends me back to the song page. Any ideas?

    • Hey Meg, You’ll need to create a free login to access my free in-post printables. This post includes the 1/4 sheet spot the difference pages only.


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