Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word

We’re having fun teaching Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word in this unique singing time lesson! You’ll use the printable pages to play a fun find the word game with a few ways to play!

You can even make a really cool interactive slider for the words, if you’re crafty and want to get fancy! Maybe the word strip to a colored piece of paper and then attach the word slider behind the page.

This activity is a wonderful way to implement the representation of words learning style in Primary! There’s even an adaptation for Junior Primary with visual intrigue!

See all Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Ideas

Use this fun way to teach Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word Singing Time lesson plan! A fun activity for LDS Primary music Leaders teaching this song.

Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word

This is a fun spin-off activity from our similar Eraser Pass games. You still have the fun of decoding which word is correct, but in a different and fun format!

How to Play:

Sing through Did Jesus Really Live Again once before introducing the activity. You may wan to start with this Did Jesus Really Live Again flip chart to help you introduce the words before getting started.

Post the Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word posters up on the white board. Tell the children, they’ll need to be your detectives. There looks to be some missing words.

Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Idea - Find the Word printable lesson plan

Have the words or pictures hidden around the room. Pick a volunteer to look for a word while you sing through the song once.

After the song, ask the children if they can help place the word. If they need help, ask them to sit down and listen closely to the song while you sing through it again, with another helper searching for the next clue.

In Senior Primary, use the set of 4 words. They’ll have to not only find the correct spot, but then place it properly with the right word showing! Let them use scissor to cut away the wrong words, then post the correct word in the spot!

Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Idea - Find the Word printable lesson plan

In Junior Primary, you can use the pictures instead of the words and fill in the missing spots with the clipart included!

Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Idea - Find the Word printable lesson plan

Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word Game Extension Activities:

  • When you’ve finished adding back all the words, sing only the missing words. Now, sing with just the original words, skipping your newly added words.
  • Ask the children to pick a fun action you can do whenever you sing one of your new words. Maybe you can stand on one, then sit on the next throughout the song. Or stomp for each missing word.
  • As an alternative to hiding the words, you could cut out holes instead of blanks, and create an interactive display where they have to slide the words up and down until they stop at the right one. Let your volunteer pick which spot they want to try to fix, then sing through the song after each fixed word.
  • Another Alternate: Simply let the children fill in the blank words if printing is an issue. They can listen closely and write in the words that are blank.

Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word Video Demonstration

Check out this video demonstration to see how I set up this word game activity in primary! In this video, I explain how to use this find the word activity in singing time and give some examples of ways to add to this activity!

–> Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word Video Demonstration <–

Did Jesus Really Live Again
Find the Word Lesson Plan

We’re sharing a free printable lesson plan to help make this singing time lesson a breeze! There are 2 pages to print of the lyrics with blanks. Have the Primary children write or draw in the missing words!

Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Idea - Find the Word printable lesson plan
Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find an additional printable lesson plan and missing keywords plus extended for the 2nd and 3rd verse included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Did Jesus Really Lives Again is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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For another really fun way to teach this song, you’re going to love this Did Jesus Really Live Again Shadow Pictures activity! Shine a flashlight behind a picture hidden behind a cover to magically show the picture through the screen!

Did Jesus Really Live Again Shadow Pictures - Use a dark screen to hide your coordinating pictures and then shine a flashlight to reveal the hidden pictures magically! This is a fun singing time idea the kids are going to love. With printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders or Come Follow Me for families.

What fun twists could you do to adapt this lesson plan for a different fun way to teach Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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