Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart & Lyrics

This Kindness Begins with Me flip chart will help you have fun with this darling song, even if it’s not one of your main songs for the year!

I love using flip charts for my opening and reverence songs that I don’t plan to spend a bunch of time teaching. It takes the pressure off memorizing the words and instead just get to experience the song and sing along with confidence!

Kindness Begins with Me flip chart custom art packet to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders singing time visual aids and lyrics

Kindness Begins with me shows up as part of the Old Testament Primary Songs recommended list and for the New Testament as well. Since this years are back to back, you could include it one year as a fun extra song a few weeks, and then skip it the next.

This helpful post on the 4-Year Come Follow Me Song Rotation will help you plan out which songs to use each year and come up with a plan to expose the kids to as many of the Primary songs as you can!

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart

After you’ve grabbed the Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart (links are below!) then head over to see our complete list of Singing Time Flip Charts! I’ve been working really hard to add in all of the flip charts for this year’s songs so there are a ton to choose from.

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

If you want more information on how I use flip charts in Primary, head over to that post as I share a ton of information plus a guide on how to make your own in case I missed any you were needing!

Kindness Begins with Me Lyrics

This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #145
You can find Kindness Begins With Me sheet music here.


I want to be kind to ev’ryone,
For that is right, you see.
So I say to myself, “Remember this:
Kindness begins with me.”

Kindness Begins with Me flip chart custom art packet to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders singing time visual aids and lyrics

“Kindness Begins With Me” by Clara W. McMaster
© 1969 Intellectual Reserve Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

Kindness Begins with Me Singing Time Ideas including stoplight singing, word map, draw the song, unscramble words, partner rhythms and more! Fun ideas for LDS Primary Music leaders and printable song helps.

See tons of Kindness Begins with Me Singing Time Ideas here!

Kindness Begins with Me Art Flip Chart

Use this beautiful art Kindness Begins with Me flip chart to help you teach this song with added meaning. It includes options to print in portrait or landscape and different formatting styles to fit your needs, plus a flip chart for a print-free option.

Kindness Begins with Me flip chart custom art packet to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders singing time visual aids and lyrics

You can find this Kindness Begins with Me art flip chart in my shop here. It is also available in my Etsy shop here.

Kindness Begins with Me flip chart custom art packet to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders singing time visual aids and lyrics

Kindness Begins with Me
Singing Time Flip Chart

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

You’ll love this colorful 1-page printable Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart that highlights some of the keywords of the song with a colorful text and includes a cute vintage photo to bring the flip chart to life! There’s no need to flip through a whole bunch of pages in a flip chart, especially on a quick and easy song like this!

To access the free in-post printables for this post, you’ll just need to create a free account or login with the tool. Then, confirm by email and refresh the page and ALL my free printables will automatically unlock in every post!

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart & Lyrics Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders PS Plus Unlock Banner

For more information on why I use a content lock or how to create your account, you can see the FAQ page here.

Kindness Begins with Me Color-in Flip Chart

This is a sweet and simple option with black and white printable with a graphic you can color in to add color and interest while being super printer friendly!

Kindness Begins with Me
Simple Flip Chart Printable

Kindness Begins with Me Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

This is a simple 1-page black and white printable for those that don’t have or don’t want to use colored ink! It makes it a cinch to print it out and have the lyrics available to teach the song or to use it for an opening or reverence song in Primary.

Kindness Begins with Me
Slideshow Flip Chart

You’ll love this easy to cast and then forget about it 1-page power point flip chart for Kindness Begins with Me! It couldn’t be easier to have a hands off way to show off the lyrics, especially if you just want to use this song once or twice during the year.

You can also have the kids help you make your own custom flip chart with this fun Kindness begins with me draw the song activity!

Kindness Begins With Me Draw the Song

Have any feedback about my Kindness Begins with Me flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

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