Are you a new Primary Music Leader? Or want to get to know each other after ward boundaries are adjusted? You’ll love this adorable Getting to Know You Survey!
It was designed with Primary aged children in mind, and would even be a fun activity for Primary teachers to use with their new class to help build a relationship.

Getting to Know You Survey
How to Play:
Print out your choice of size quarter-sheet, half-page, or full-page survey with one per child. Pass out the surveys and a pencils, markers, or crayons.

Tell the children they have 3 minutes to fill in their survey. While they are filling in their favorites and which they would choose, play a primary song of your choice in the background.
Collect the surveys and shuffle up all the pages. Draw one at random and sing their favorite primary song (listed on their survey). After, as the children to stand up if that was their favorite Primary song, also.

Now, share some of the random facts from the survey and have the children sit down if it’s not them until you find the right friend! Let them pick the next survey at random and repeat! It’s like a fun reverse spotlight game and the children will love getting to know a little about the other children.
This printable survey would also be wonderful for individual Primary Teachers or youth Sunday School teachers to use to meet their new class in a fun way!
I’ve even added a cute Valentine’s day themed overlay if you’d like to use this in February!

Extension Activities:
Valentine’s Day: Use this as a fun valentine’s day singing time! Play a song about love, such as Love One Another or I Feel My Savior’s Love while the kids fill in their survey. Pick a survey at random and share something from the survey that you LOVE about the child from their survey that you have in common to help the kids also connect with you. Sing their favorite song or a valentine’s day song, then pick another survey at random!
Would You Rather: Use the would you rather questions to divide the Primary room into two groups. One side will sing the verse and the other half will sing the chorus. Collect the surveys at the end of Singing Time so you can read them at home!

Share Favorites: Ask one of the favorite questions, such as “What is your favorite color?” Take an answer or two from each class. Then sing a song before the next question.
Get to Know Your Neighbor: Have the children turn to a friend beside them. Take turns picking a question on the survey to ask their friend and learn something new about them! Go back and forth with questions for 1 minute. Now, switch to a new friend!
Meet the Music Leader: Fill in the survey yourself, and introduce the children to you as a new music leader with a couple answers between each song!
For another really fun survey, try our Primary Song Check-in singing time!
Primary Getting to Know You Printable Survey
This cute printable survey has 3 styles – plain, dotted frame, and with added hearts for a Valentine’s day theme. Then, you can choose to print in quarter-sheet, half-page, or full-page size depending on your Primary size and needs!

I’ve added editable versions to customize the favorites questions and rathers options exclusively for INSTANT Primary Singing members in February New Testament! Or, you can purchase the Editable Getting to Know You file individually in my Etsy shop.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For another fun singing time idea to get to know each other better, head over to see our Would You Rather singing time idea!
What other fun ways could you use this Getting to Know You Survey?