Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable

I’ve been asked a few times now, from those who may have seen my song list in previous posts, how I plan my month of songs. These questions were so helpful, they let me know I probably needed to share my monthly song list as a printable!

I shared last year’s version of this printable on my main blog (a parenting blog), but my formatting this year has changed quite a bit with the new changes in Primary! Still — this post on Last Year’s Singing Time Song List — may be helpful, as well.

Also see how I put everything together with my Singing Time Binder! No more lugging around the song book (though that does mean some upfront printing).

Monthly Song List Printables -- Free printable song list and editable document options for LDS Primary Music Leaders / Choristers. Get organized for your singing time lessons!

Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable

Filling In Your Song List Printable: 

Wiggle Songs:

If you plan do do any wiggle songs with the Junior Primary, or would like to have a couple as a back-up ready to go for those times Sacrament meeting gets out early, the kids can’t sit still, or your lesson runs short, simply fill in the top section with your choice of a couple of wiggle songs.

I took my selections from the month’s suggested song lists from the home and teacher manuals. These are still fun and upbeat songs, but ones I didn’t plan to use for my main singing time blocks.

Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders PrimarySinging pictures 08733

Program Songs: 

After selecting the 8-10 Program songs we would learn for the year (my list included Jan-Aug plus Nov and Dec songs from the outlined choices!) I then started to fill in my month.

Rather than teach only one song each month, my preference is to work on 3 songs for the month and continue to rotate the songs all the way through until it’s time for our Primary Program Presentation!

This allows variety, repetition through the year, and the kids don’t forget the songs as easily! In order to accomplish this, I plan to work on 2-3 songs each week with shorter activities.

Once in a while I might do a full singing time on a review game or seasonal game, but those are planned more spur of the moment as a fill in for subs. 🙂

So, for example, we will sing and practice the hymn Come, Follow Me in January, April, and August!

I’ve already picked out our program date as September 15th — I needed 3 weeks to practice and the schools to be back in session and I wanted to avoid both Stake and General conference — which gave me the perfect date.

Once I had that date blocked in, I put in the monthly song on their particular month, then filled in the other songs spaced out appropriately and giving more time for the harder songs.

Lesson Songs: 

One of the unique aspects of the new singing time format is all the flexibility we have! Since the lesson and home manuals have specific songs the recommend and suggest, I wanted to be able to incorporate some of those songs into our singing time blocks to help support home instruction.

I read through the suggested songs and picked two to include for each month. I’ll only use these songs during one singing time, each, but if there are any extra opportunities or if we need to fill in some time, they are also wonderful as a back-up option!

Monthly Song List Printables -- Free printable song list and editable document options for LDS Primary Music Leaders / Choristers. Get organized for your singing time lessons!

Song List Use and Tips!

I like to plan and then print out my entire year of song lists at the beginning of the year. Time slips by SO fast that before you know it will be well into the middle of next year and having them all ready to go helps keep me from feeling scrambled in the middle of the year!

I also print out a copy for the Primary Pianist. This gives her plenty of time to prepare and practice as much as she might need. I don’t envy that calling!

Of course, some small changes might happen through the year, but for the most part your list will probably stay pretty close to how you set it up at the beginning of the year.

Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Singing Time 04317 650x975 1
Pictured is the older style of this printable, but with it in use in my Singing Time Binder to see how handy this half sheet format is!

I follow my song list in half, hot-dog style, creating a tall and skinny strip of paper. This is a unique format, but this view helps me see my song list on the very far edge of my binder, even with my divider and tabs open! That way, I can very easily see the list to refer to, as needed.

Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Singing Time 04313

The pianist has the same setup – a tall/skinny fold so it takes up less room on the piano stand! I actually set up a music binder for my pianist, so she has absolutely every thing she needs all in one place, and super easy to find (not flipping around desperately trying to find the page!)

That’s it.. on to the printables! I’ve got two options as a resource to share!

Monthly Song List Printable

You can use my free printable monthly song list to help you share your planned songs for the year with your pianist. Each page includes 4 months and can be folded down the middle (hot dog style) to easily fit beside the Children’s Songbook on the piano music tray without taking up too much space!

You can print this as is or fill in the document digitally before printing. You’ll just need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill in any fields you’d like to utilize.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another super helpful printable to get you organized for the year ahead, head over to grab these super cute Come Follow Me Primary Song Lists by year!

4 years of Come Follow Me LDS Primary songs printable list for Singing Time with music numbers. Plus, ideas + planning helps for all songs for Music leaders. Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants primary song lists!

Are these printables helpful? What other resources would you like me to share? 

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

5 thoughts on “Monthly and Yearly Song List Printable”

    • I ditched some of my tabs — now I just have a section for “Docs” (all my printables and files such as the weekly lessons PDF’s others have shared). Then one for “wiggle songs” (for Junior primary), the next section is all the program songs each with their own sticker tab, and then a final tab with all the “other” songs from the lessons that I’m planning to incorporate. I always just store my weekly activities for the song right behind the song’s tab so they’re easy to find.

  1. Oh Thank you for your lesson outline. I loved using 4 corners today. Kids really need to move! I know the preparation you helped me attain added to the spirit of efficiency and love that happened today. I don’t know how I can show you t he gratitude I feel for your sharing and talents!


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