Have you ever taught On a Golden Springtime (archives) to your Primary kiddos? This is a lovely song that can be taught for Easter, springtime, or as part of the Doctrine & Covenants Primary Songs! It will perfectly tie in to any of those occasions, depending on which verse you decide to teach.
While this song is perfect for the D&C year, it’s not on the official list. You can see my entire list of Suggested Come Follow Me Songs by Year to help you pick and choose from the recommended list of songs the church publishes to avoid overlaps and teach a wide variety of songs, including extras like this one!

On a Golden Springtime Flip Chart
Do you have other songs you’re still in need of flip charts for? You do NOT want to miss this Collection of Singing Time Flip Charts landing page with hundreds of different song charts including printable options for all of this year’s songs!

You will love the easy of using flip charts with the help of a singing time lyrics book! Simply load up all your songs in sheet protectors and flip them over the podium. I’ll show you exactly how I made mine with a video demo to help!
On a Golden Springtime Lyrics
This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #88
You can find On a Golden Springtime sheet music here.
Verse 1:
On a golden springtime, underneath the ground,
A tiny seedling lay asleep until the sun shone down.
Awake, awake, O little seed!
Push upward to the light!
The day is bright. With all your might,
push upward to the light!

Verse 2:
On a golden springtime, Jesus Christ awoke
And left the tomb where he had lain; the bands of death he broke.
Awake, awake, O sleeping world!
Look upward to the light,
For now all men may live again.
Look upward to the light!

Verse 3:
On a golden springtime, in a forest glade,
The Father and the Son appeared as Joseph knelt and prayed.
Awake, awake, O nations all!
Receive the gospel light!
The gospel true is here for you.
Receive its glorious light!
“On a Golden Springtime” words by Virginia Maughan Kammeyer (1925–1999) music by Crawford Gates (1921–2018) © 1989 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by permission.
On a Golden Springtime Sing-Along Video
You’ll love this sweet On a Golden Springtime Sing-Along video where you sing along with a music leader for a more personal feeling music video to sing with. This is perfect for introducing the song for the first time. I also love sending this video on to families to help them practice the song at home and fill their home with Primary songs all year!
On a Golden Springtime Illustrated Flip Chart
You’ll fall in love with this custom illustrated On a Golden Springtime flip chart that has illustrations designed specifically for this song. It’s a packed full packet with a bunch of different options to best fit your needs, including:

- Portrait, Landscape, and Slideshow orientations
- Colorful keywords, color pictures, and Black and White color-in options
- Picture with word blanks to add your own keywords
- In both condensed and normal spacing to fit your needs.
Go pick up this On a Golden Springtime art flip chart in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here if you prefer that platform.
On a Golden Springtime
Singing Time Flip Chart
You’ll love this option with a portrait condensed flip chart that uses pictures from the gospel library to bring the words to life in a new way.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
On a Golden Springtime Lyrics Flip Chart Printable
For a more printer friendly option, you’ll love this lyrics-only version of the flip chart that can help you with displaying lyrics in a simple way with no extra frills.
On a Golden Springtime Slideshow Flip Chart
Another go-to option is this slideshow style that is designed with a landscape orientation and can easily be displayed on a tablet or TV screen to let everyone easily see the lyrics while you lead your teaching activities.
Coming Soon: On a Golden Springtime Teaching Ideas!
Continue over to this post with a bunch of great ways and ideas to teach On a Golden Springtime in your Primary room! There’s a variety of teaching methods with different learning styles. You’ll also find a sing-along video great for helping your Primary learn this song or introducing it for the first time.
Have any feedback about my On a Golden Springtime flip chart? Let me know in the comments!