Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes

This lesson plan is all about introducing who the scripture heroes are that we sing about in the Primary song Our Time to Shine scripture heroes activity. If you haven’t heard this song yet, you can learn all about it including a music video in our Singing Time Ideas for Our Time to Shine post!

Teach Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes singing time ideas with these song helps and ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching with spiritual learning style

Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes Lesson Plan

I started by introducing the song with the Music Video from the church website. I asked, what Scripture Heroes did you hear them talking about? As the children named one of the heroes, I then talked about the hero and we introduced them! Of course, singing between each new hero!

Teach Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes singing time ideas with these song helps and ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching with spiritual learning style

Introducing Our Time to Shine Heroes

Esther – Esther 4:16

We don’t know how old Esther was when she married the King, but many scholars believe she may have been fourteen years old.  Haman tricked the king into signing a law that all of the Israelites should be killed.  

Esther risked her life to tell the King that she was an Israelite, too.  She asked him to spare her people.  The King agreed.

Like Esther of old I’ll stand, true to the Lord’s commands, defending with courage and serving with faith in Heavenly Father’s plan.

Teach Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes singing time ideas with these song helps and ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching with spiritual learning style

Nephi – 1 Nephi 3:7

Of Laman, Lemuel, Sam and Nephi, Nephi was the youngest.  But Nephi was chosen to be a ruler over them because of his righteousness.  He slew Laban, retrieved the brass plates and built the boat which carried their family to the Promised Land.

Like Nephi of old I’ll stand, blessing my fellow man, protecting with honor and showing respect for Heavenly Father’s plan.

Abish – Alma 19:16-17, 29

Abish was the servant of the Queen who was the wife of Lamoni. Ammon had come and taught the people of the gospel. The whole house fell to the earth overcome by the Spirit, except Abish who was already a convert. She took the opportunity to tell everyone in the town, knocking on each door, to tell them the news knowing this was her chance to teach her neighbors. As a result, many people were converted.

Like Abish I’ll serve with might, spreading the gospel light. I’ll tell those I meet of its wonderful truths. My faith in the Lord burns bright.

Captain Moroni – Alma 46:12-13

Captain Moroni was still a young man when he took command of the Nephite army as they defended themselves from the Lamanites and Zoramites. He told his people that they must defend their country, family, freedom, peace and religion.  With much prayer and inspiration from the Lord, Captain Moroni was able to lead the Nephites to victory. 

Moroni, who stood for right, never gave up the fight. Like him I will strive to be noble and true. I’m holding my banner high.

Follow the Prophet Guest Prophet LDS primary music leaders printable singing time song helps for teaching

For another fun singing time that makes a connection with scripture heroes, head over to our Follow the Prophet Guest Prophet scripts activity!

Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes Printable

I’ve formatted the above into a 1-page printable so you can more easily bring in the file to use in Primary and share about the scripture heroes!

Teach Our Time to Shine Scripture Heroes singing time ideas with these song helps and ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching with spiritual learning style

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Did you try this with your Primary? Let me know how it went! Any other interesting facts you’d add to the scripture heroes?

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