Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Playdoh Creations

Your Primary will have a blast singing and playing along with this Playdoh Creations lesson for Tell Me the Stories of Jesus! You can challenge the kids to try their best at creating some of the suggested playdoh creation shapes or come up with their own based on a favorite story from Jesus’ life!

Head over here to see our 21 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Singing Time Ideas! Lots of fun ways to teach and learn this song in Primary.

Tell me the Stories of Jesus - Playdoh Creations activity and lesson plan idea for Primary Singing Time music leaders! Also fun for home study of Come, Follow Me for LDS families. #lds #primary #singingtime #primarychorister

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Playdoh Creations

How to Play Playdoh Creations:

Ask a child to come up help mold a shape with the playdoh while the rest of the Primary sings Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. After the song, show off the playdoh creation and have the children guess what the shape is. Connect the shape to one of the stories of Jesus!

Continue having additional helpers come up and create a shape while you sing through the song.

Tell me the Stories of Jesus - Playdoh Creations activity and lesson plan idea for Primary Singing Time music leaders! Also fun for home study of Come, Follow Me for LDS families. #lds #primary #singingtime #primarychorister

You can prepare the following idea cards and laminate them so they can be used as a template the kids can press the playdoh onto while creating their shape!

Playdoh Creation Ideas:

  • Foot – Jesus walked on water
  • Book – Jesus taught from the scriptures
  • Grapes – He turned water into wine
  • Boat – Jesus calmed the storm while on the boat with the apostles
  • Sheep – Parable of the lost sheep, Jesus is the good shepherd
  • Heart – He loves us unconditionally and gave his life for us.
Tell me the Stories of Jesus Playdoh Creations activity and lesson plan idea for Primary Singing Time music leaders! Also fun for home study of Come, Follow Me for LDS families. #lds #primary #singingtime #primarychorister

Extension Activity:

  • Have the children whisper their favorite story from Jesus’ life into your ear. You can help them think of a simple shape to mold, if they need assistance. Then let them share their favorite story and shape after the song!
  • Have a competition with two children both trying to shape the same symbol. Then have the children pick the next participant from the other team!
Baptism Song - Finger Drawing an easy NO prep activity for Primary Singing Time - lesson plan for Music Leaders and also super fun for LDS parents with Come, Follow Me!

Head over next to see this creative and fun Baptism Finger Drawing singing time idea!

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Playdoh Creation Printable Cards

In this printable, you’ll find a single page black-and-white printable with 6 different Playdoh creation cards. Plus, an option with colored icons in case you’d like to use these as part of a different activity!

I highly recommend cutting out the cards and laminating them so that the children can roll out the playdoh right onto the cards like a Playdoh mat!

Tell me the Stories of Jesus - Playdoh Creations activity and lesson plan idea for Primary Singing Time music leaders! Also fun for home study of Come, Follow Me for LDS families. #lds #primary #singingtime #primarychorister

**The icons included here are newly updated to be more consistent and as I wasn’t sure the source of the original images.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Playdoh Creations Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

I’ve added a printable lesson plan and a colored version of these playdoh cards as part of the INSTANT Primary Singing Membership for Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

If you’re looking for helps to support your singing time, head over to grab our Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Flip Chart! It’s a great resource to support your Primary lessons.

Tell me the stories of Jesus Flip Chart and lyrics LDS Primary singing time

What other fun and simple shapes could you make with Playdoh that fits this theme?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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