St Patrick’s Day Fortune Teller

If you’re looking for something one of a kind to have fun with your Primary children for the holidays, then you’ve got to make one of these darling St Patrick’s Day Fortune Teller games!

I’ve created a pre-filled in and a ready to add your own actions, jokes, text, whatever you’d like option in the printable files (at the end of the post).

Visit this post to see all of our St Patrick’s Day Singing Time Ideas!

St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller - cute printable cootie catcher already filled in with easy Primary Singing Time actions or one ready to fill in with your own actions! Plus, how to make a monster fortune teller out of poster board!

St Patrick’s Day Fortune Teller

How to Fold a Fortune Teller:

You can use our printable normal sized fortune teller included or make a large one out of poster board! Either way, you’ll follow the steps outlined here.

First, cut out the square along the outer edge of the design.

Fold the square outward in half along each of the blue lines with words showing when folding. Unfold.

How to fold a fortune teller step 1

Flip the paper over so you see the blank white side of the paper. Fold the 4 outside points of the square inward until all 4 point meets the very center. As the point fold in, you’ll line up the paper along the blue lines and creases you made earlier, making a new crease on the bright green lines as you fold.

How to fold a cootie catcher step 2

After folding in all four points inward, flip over the fortune teller so the numbers are facing down.

Align the paper like a diamond with a point facing towards you. Fold the pointed ends in to the center, repeat with all 4 points meeting at the center.

How to fold a cootie catcher step 3

Pinch under the colored words and fold upward into a fortune teller.

How to fold a cootie catcher last step

How to Play:

Have a volunteer (or 3) come up and pick one of the outside words. You can then count off going back and forth with the fortune teller as you spell the word or spell the color. You can also let a child be the one to hold the fortune teller and make the moves.

St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing Time Ideas for Primary Music Leader - printable lesson plan and game ready to fill in

Now, the child or next child to help will pick one of the numbers visible in the inside. There will be 4 visible. Count off the number chosen going back and forth with the fortune teller. Let them pick one more number, then flip open the flap to read what will happen next! Here’s the guide to what different options are tucked inside.

St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing Time Ideas for Primary Music Leader - printable lesson plan and game ready to fill in with gold coins for a fun giveaway toy

Fortune Teller Actions:

  • Stomp & Sing – Everyone sings and stomps to the beat
  • You win a Golden Coin! – The helper wins a golden coin, no singing!
  • Wearing Green? You Sing! – Everyone wearing green sings
  • Lassies Sing (Girls) – Only the girls will sing
  • Hop & Sing – Everyone sings and hops throughout the song
  • Lucky You Pick any Song – They get to pick ANY song to sing
  • Laddies Sing (Boys) – Only the boys will sing
  • No Green? You Sing! – Everyone not wearing green sings
St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing Time Ideas for Primary Music Leader - printable lesson plan and game ready to fill in

You’ll pick one song to work on throughout the activity to build in a ton of repetition, or switch as you choose. The children will sing as the action says, such as only the boys will sing or everyone will sing while hopping.

If they land on a golden coin they get to skip singing and win a prize, then let the next child play. You can make a house rule to get through all 8 numbers, before repeating any of them – especially for Senior Primary who will be paying attention to which is which!

How to make a Monster poster board sized St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller for Singing Time

Extension Activities:

  • Add a large dice to roll to the game! Assign 6 different songs to numbers and sing whichever is rolled.
  • Print out one fortune teller for each child. Go through the steps to fold a fortune teller together. Then, go through the steps of picking a item/color and then numbers and do so together as a group!
  • Use the blank Fortune teller and have the children help you fill in your own actions or ways to sing!
  • Make a MONSTER sized fortune teller out of poster board!
How to make a Monster poster board sized St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller for Singing Time

You can make this HUGE fortune teller with a poster board! Just cut the poster board into a square and follow the same folding directions. Be sure you press really firmly on the creases, using a pen can help to slide along the fold.

The one other change is you’ll need to also do a diagonal fold during the first step from corner to corner. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time popping the fortune teller open since it’s such a thick and stiff paper!

St Patrick’s Day
Fortune Teller Printable

This printable includes a pre-filled in fortune teller and folding directions ready to go for singing time.

St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing Time Ideas for Primary Music Leader - printable lesson plan and game ready to fill in
St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a create your own version with a blank spot to fill in your own actions as part of March New Testament INSTANT Primary Singing membership or available in my shop! This option is great to use if you’re planning to use one of our extension activities above to have the Primary children help you pick a fun action to hide behind each number.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Head over next to grab these super fun St Patrick’s Day Hidden Clovers! They’re a fun spin-off on Sing or Dare with Irish Jokes, Trivia, Dares, and more!

St Patrick's Day Fortune Teller Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Hidden Clovers 20220224 121632

What are some other fun ideas you could add to these St Patrick’s Day Fortune Teller spots?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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