Sharing a story in primary can be a very powerful spiritual experience for your primary kids! Use this Stand for the Right Video Story to introduce Stand for the Right in primary this year!
In this post, I’ve shared 4 sweet video stories to share in singing time, as well as some additional videos you might enjoy!
See all Stand for the Right Singing Time Ideas Here!

Stand for the Right Video Story
There are so many great ways to introduce a new song in primary! When I was a primary chorister, I often introduced a new song by sharing a story and helping the children connect spiritually with the message of the song.
I found the following 4 inspirational messages from the Church Media Library. I love browsing through these videos that serve as great Family Home Evening and primary lessons.
Before sharing a video in primary, be sure to check that you have all your technology set up. Few things are as frustrating as losing precious time in primary to tech issues. I recommend getting to church a little early on Sunday and setting all the technology beforehand. You might even try playing the video to make sure it will work.
Once you decide which video(s) to share, think about how you will relate the video to the song you’ll be teaching. You might prepare a few questions for the kids to ponder while they watch. Then, start teaching Stand for the Right with this handy flipchart.
As you share your testimony of standing for the right, encourage the children to think about ways that they can practice being an example of Christ.
Video #1: Dare to Stand Alone
When I think about the phrase, “Stand for the Right,” this story shared by President Thomas S. Monson in the October 2011 General Conference immediately comes to my mind. This short video is a great example of having the courage to stand for what’s right!
Video #2: Spiritual Whirlwinds
This Spiritual Whirlwinds video is another one of my favorites. Your primary children may have seen it before, but it’s a great reminder of standing strong in the face of the storms of life. For this video, you may consider discussing different types of “whirlwinds” that your primary children face in their lives.
Video #3: Having Courage & Trusting the Lord
I love this video that tells the story of Queen Esther. Her courage to stand for what she knew to be right is a powerful example to us. Watch this video in primary and discuss how Esther demonstrated her trust in the Lord.
Video #4: True Christianity
This cute story about True Christianity is a great reminder about how to stand as disciples of Jesus Christ every day. This video gives some ideas for things we can do to show kindness and Christlike love to others.
Alternative Videos:
I have compiled a few additional videos you might enjoy. Two of the videos in this list are sing along versions, and the last is a karaoke version. These videos can be another powerful way to introduce or review this song in primary!
#1: Stand for the Right Sing Along Video
I love the cute pictures in this Stand for the Right Sing Along video! This is a fun option for reviewing the song. You can have the children sing with this video and see how well they know the song!
#2: Stand for the Right LDS Primary Song Sing Along
Here’s another sing along version of Stand For the Right. The characters in this video are super cute! Sing Along videos can be a great option if your pianist is out of town or if you just want to change things up a bit!
#3: Stand for the Right Karaoke
Use this Stand for the Right Karaoke Version for a fun review challenge! Try following along with the words with just accompaniment! You could also divide the class into groups and have each group sing a different line of the song.

You might also enjoy this Behold the Great Redeemer Die Silent Video for another spiritual connections idea!
Extension Activities:
- After watching one of the video stories, discuss how the person in the story stood for the right. Then, make a list on the board of things you can do to be an example of Christ.
- Take some time to talk about baptismal covenants. This cute My Baptismal Covenants printable made by the church outlines the covenants made at baptism and the promised blessings. Since this song is pretty short, you could also sing a song about baptism.
- For a fun way to add movement as you teach this song, have the kids stomp their feet and STAND UP when you sing the line, “Stand for the right.”
Head over to this sweet Stand for the Right Learn & Teach group activity next!
Which one of these video stories did you enjoy the most? Which ones will you be sharing in primary?