25 Gethsemane Singing Time Ideas

25 Gethsemane Singing Time Ideas - Easy ways to teach Gethsemane song for LDS Primary Music Leaders including printable song helps with a variety of learning styles. Links to videos, movement activities, living music, and even a book for teaching with purpose!

12 Gethsemane Singing Time Ideas fun ways to teach this song for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps, movement activities, video clips and more.

Gethsemane Sway and Tap

Gethsemane Sway and Tap Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Gethsemane Sway and Tap 20220324 113103

Fun Gethsemane Sway and Tap Primary singing time ideas for LDS Music Leaders to teach this song with purposeful movement and printable song helps cards.

Gethsemane Easter Christ’s Last Week

Singing time of Gethsemane Easter Christ's Last week is all about symbols! Experience the Savior's final days with a Primary Easter song and hands-on objects. Easy ways to teach Gethsemane LDS song for Primary Music Leaders.

Singing time of Gethsemane Easter Christ’s Last week is all about symbols! Experience the Savior’s final days with a Primary Easter song and hands-on objects.

Gethsemane Rhythm Sticks Pattern

Gethsemane Rhythm Sticks Pattern Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Gethsemane Rhythm Sticks 20220324 133650 01

Fun and easy teaching Gethsemane Rhythm Sticks idea for Singing Time. This LDS Primary song is great for Easter or New Testament CFM for Music Leaders.

Gethsemane Egg Shakers

Gethsemane Egg Shakers Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders 06 Gethsemane 09526 sq

Teach the melody in this Gethsemane Egg Shakers singing time idea. This beautiful LDS Primary song lesson plan includes printable helps for music leaders.

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble

Teaching Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble singing time idea to learn the lyrics to this LDS Primary song with printable helps for Primary Music Leaders.

Gethsemane Jesus Loves Me Coloring Page

Gethsemane Jesus Loves Me Coloring Page Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders 06 Gethsemane 09270

Gethsemane Jesus Loves Me coloring page printables in 3 sizes. Helps you easily teach this LDS Primary song for Primary Music Leaders easy Singing Time ideas.

Gethsemane Flip Chart & Lyrics

Gethsemane Flip Chart & Lyrics Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders gethsemane sq

This Gethesmane flip chart (and lyrics) is perfect to support LDS Primary Music leaders while teaching Gethsemane singing time ideas. 3 printable options.

Gethsemane What Comes Next

Gethsemane What Comes Next Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders 06 Gethsemane 08974 2

Gethsemane What Comes Next singing time activity uses a spin on echo singing with the kids leading what lyrics come next. Printables for Primary Music Leaders.

See more singing time ideas in our Visual Post Index! Easily sort by song title, learning style, Come Follow Me year and more tags to quickly find what you're looking for.

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