Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap

You will love singing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light (archives) this month!

**Head Here to See all Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas!**

You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap

Alright, if you’re thinking this sounds like a super silly activity, you’re probably right! This activity is designed to be a fun, light-hearted activity to help you practice Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month.

The idea here is to rotate between three actions: clapping your hands, patting your legs, and snapping your fingers. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do all three at the same time!

For this activity, we’ll be replacing key words in the song with one of these three actions. I’ll provide details for one adaptation of this activity, and provide some additional ways to play later in the post!

You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

How to Play Clap, Pat & Snap:

To play this activity, start by writing out the words to one verse of ‘Teach Me to Walk in the Light.’ You can use a poster you’ve created previously or just print out our Teach Me to Walk in the Light flip chart for the song!

Start off primary by singing the first verse a few times to review. Then, choose 1-2 keywords as a primary in the song. For the most fun, choose words that come up fairly often, such as “light” or “teach.”

Then, grab a sheet of colored or white copy paper. On each strip of paper, write “Clap,” “Pat,” or “Snap.” You can make multiple strips for each word to add some fun.

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, have a child choose one piece of paper from the jar. If you choose “Clap,” clap instead of singing on each keyword. For “snap,” snap your fingers instead of singing the keywords. Pat your legs if you choose “pat.”

Choose a new action each time you sing a verse. Continue choosing actions as you review! Kids will love it!

You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Sing through Teach Me to Walk in the Light once or twice at the beginning of singing time.
  2. Before primary, write “Clap,” “Pat,” or “Snap” on pieces of paper. Write one word per strip of paper.
  3. As a class, choose 1-2 “keywords” from the song (these are typically words that are sung more often).
  4. Have a child choose a word strip from the jar.
  5. Sing through the song again, this time doing the indicated action instead of singing.
  6. Continue choosing actions and reviewing the song!
You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Another Way to Play ‘Clap, Pat, and Snap’:

For another fun way to play this game, create a symbol that represents each action. Write down the lyrics to the song (as for the first version). Replace certain words with each symbol.

For example, you might choose to replace each “light” with a star. Similarly, you could replace the word “teach” with a circle. Explain to the children what action each symbol represents.

Then each time you come across that symbol, do the action for that symbol instead of singing! This version is especially fun for older primary kids, but can work for Junior primary too.

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders I Will Be Valiant Clap Instead 1 sq

This activity is a fun spin-off of our classic Clap Instead activity. For an example of how our ‘Clap Instead’ activities work, check out this I Will Be Valiant Clap Instead activity!

Clap, Pat & Snap Demonstration Video

Try out this fun movement pattern with me! In this demo video, I’ll explain 2 different ways to use this clap, pat & snap idea and demonstrate a simple pattern using key words for the first verse of the song! I’d love to hear which version of this activity you’ll be trying in singing time!

–> Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap Demo Video <–

Teach Me to Walk in the Light: Clap, Pat, and Snap Printable Lesson Plan

I’ve created a lesson plan to help with BOTH adaptations of this activity. Since both versions are so much fun, I’ve created printables for each adaptation. The first page includes a quick run-down of each activity.

The second page of this activity includes a one-page version of this game. This page includes the words “Clap, Pat, and Snap.” Simply print and cut out these words and place the strips of paper in a jar.

You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

The rest of the printable includes the lyrics to the first verse of Teach Me to Walk in the Light. Some words have been replaced by symbols representing the actions clap, pat, or snap.

Print out these pages and be sure to show the key in primary. Replace the lyrics for actions and have some fun!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Book of Mormon Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the Book of Mormon year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, Book of Mormon year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another fun way to review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month, check out these Teach Me to Walk in the Light Hide & Seek!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Hide & Seek singing time idea and printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders

Which of these fun adaptations of Clap, Pat, and Snap will you be playing this week?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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