Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart

You can use our printable Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart to help you teach it quickly and easily! Grab your choice of style below and get started with this Primary song.

This song is ONLY included in the New Testament list of Primary Songs! So you’ll want to consider including it this year if it’s a song you love. It would be great to include as a transition song while the kids are entering the Primary room if you don’t teach it as a program song.

Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart visual aids and lyrics to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders in singing time printable PDF

Check out this super helpful 4-Year Come Follow Me Song Rotation printable that will let you see each song taught per program year, plus what other years they will be included in the suggested list!

Tell Me Dear Lord Flipcharts & Lyrics

Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart

This flip chart follows my typical standard so you’ll love adding it to your collection. You can find a whole bunch of matching Singing Time Flip Charts in my master list.

Tell Me Dear Lord slideshow Flipchart & Lyrics

Next, hop over to our post with lots of tips and tricks for using flip charts for singing time! It’s a great resource to help you be more efficient with using flip charts in Primary.

Tell Me, Dear Lord Lyrics

This song can be found in the Children’s Songbook Page #176
You can find Tell Me, Dear Lord sheet music here.

Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart visual aids and lyrics to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders in singing time printable PDF

Verse 1:
Tell me, dear Lord, in thine own way I pray,
What thou would’st have me say and do today.
Teach me to know and love thy will, O Lord;
Help me to understand thy loving word.

Tell Me Dear Lord printable Flip Chart & Lyrics

Verse 2:
I would be guided by thy loving hand;
Would hear thy voice, obey thy blest command.
Each moment just to know that thou art near
Will strength impart and banish ev’ry fear.

“Tell Me, Dear Lord” words by M. E. P. and music by
C. Harold Lowden (1883-1963). Used under public domain.

Tell Me Dear Lord Singing Time Ideas lots of fun ways to teach Tell Me Dear Lord Primary song with printable song helps for Primary Music Leaders! Includes egg shakers, crack the code, melody map, action words, song quiz and many more!

See all Tell Me Dear Lord Singing Time Ideas!

Tell Me Dear Lord Art Flip Chart

Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart visual aids and lyrics to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders in singing time printable PDF

You’ll really enjoy teaching this song with this beautiful Tell Me Dear Lord flip chart with custom illustrations created specifically for this song. You’ll be able to select the format that best works for your Primary from condensed to expanded spacing and portrait and landscape print options – plus a slideshow!

Pick up this Tell Me Dear Lord Art Flip Chart in my shop here. It’s also available in my Etsy store here.

Shop Tell Me Dear Lord Flip Chart visual aids and lyrics to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders in singing time

Tell Me Dear Lord
Singing Time Flip Chart

In this colorful flip chart there’s just a single page to print per verse and select keywords are pointed out with a variety of fun colors to help draw in the Primary children’s attention and interest!

Tell Me Dear Lord Flipchart & Lyrics

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Tell Me Dear Lord Color-in Flip Chart

You might pick this flip chart if you want something super printer-friendly and easy to read and use. It’s just black and white lyrics and a graphic per page that you can color in or leave as is.

Tell Me Dear Lord
Lyrics Flip Chart Printable

You might also love this simple style to let you display the words over the podium without having to hold up the lyrics. It’s great for having them available, but not the focus of your singing time lesson.

Tell Me Dear Lord Lyrics Flip Chart

Tell Me Dear Lord
Slideshow Flip Chart

Or, you can choose to use our slideshow flipchart to display the words up on a TV screen, monitor, or projector. Just download the PDF and cast it to the device and flip through the slides, as needed.

Continue over to our round-up post with TONS Of Tell Me Dear Lord Singing Time Ideas to help you teach this song in your Primary room! This includes a variety of activities for different learning styles including action words, melody map, hand claps, crack the code and many more!

Tell Me Dear Lord Singing Time Ideas lots of fun ways to teach Tell Me Dear Lord Primary song with printable song helps for Primary Music Leaders! Includes egg shakers, crack the code, melody map, action words, song quiz and many more!

Have any feedback about my Tell Me Dear Lord flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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