We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus

How do you teach a wordy hymn and keep it relatable to children? Try out these We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus word puzzles to help the kids better hear the lyrics and break down each line of the song in a clever way!

Each line of the song is shaped into a fun rebus puzzle with icons to teach We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet (archives) to your Primary children with ease!

*See 25 Teaching Ideas in this We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Singing Time Ideas Post*

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus

Sing through We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet with this printable flip chart once before introducing the activity.

Show the first Rebus puzzle. Ask the children to try to decode what they see. What lyrics does this word puzzle go with? Let’s try it!

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

Sing through either the entire verse or just the specific line you’re focusing on.

Ask the children to tell you what connections they see. What might the symbols represent. Can they decode the word puzzle?

Continue working your way through the song decoding the 4 rebus puzzles for the verse you choose to work on.

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

Ask the kids which one of the rebus puzzles is their favorite? Talk about that specific part of the song and the meaning behind it and how they can apply it to their own life.

4 More Ways to Use these We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus Puzzles!

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!
1. Shuffled Rebus Cards:

Shuffle all of the rebus cards so you pick one in a random order. Have the Primary children raise their hands while you sing through the song when they think you are at the right part of the song.

When several (or most) of the hands are up, you can pause singing and say, let’s check! Sign the previous line again and see if it’s a match!

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

2. Memory Rebus:

Flip over one of the rebus puzzles and have the kids sing only the flipped over phrase. Help them visualize and picture those icons to help them remember the lyrics.

Before flipping it back over, ask a child to tell you or come up and draw the hidden symbols! Now start again with a different puzzle.

3. Divide & Sing:

Divide the Primary into 2 or 4 groups. Assign them specific lines of the song. You could write their number on the whiteboard above their parts to sing! Then, switch it up and give them different parts to sing.

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

4. Color-Me Rebus Puzzle:

Use the black and white rebus word puzzles and let the kids help add in some color!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Rebus singing time idea

For another wonderful Rebus singing time idea and more ideas you could expand into this lesson plan, head over to this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Rebus lesson plan.

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus Word Puzzles Printable Song Helps

This is a big ol’ printable with lots of options to fit your Primary size and needs with black and white and colored printable options in 2 sizes! It starts with a help to get you through singing time with ideas on how to use these printables in singing time!

Since there 2 verse, 2 sizes, and 2 styles (black and white and color) I’ve prepared this printer guide to help you print only the pages you’ll need for your specific Primary.

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus fun word puzzle singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have the kids help you decode the puzzle and help teach the lyrics to this hymn! Including printable song helps in 2 sizes!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For a fun and creative way to teach this song (and perfect before or after General Conference), see this fun We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Funny General Conference Moments activity!

Funny General Conference Moments Singing Time idea with fun and unique ways to sing to match the stories from the LDS Prophets hilarious stories! Printable song helps for Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways could use these We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet Rebus word puzzles?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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