Will you spend any time teaching To Think about Jesus (archives) this year? You’ll fall in love with this fun and very purposeful singing time activity! For this lesson plan, you’ll try out some To Think about Jesus Chair Yoga poses!
Each chair yoga pose is a gentle stretch or pose that wiggly children can do on the sacrament pew if they struggle to sit still and focus and ties perfectly in with this song’s message!
**See all To Think about Jesus Singing Time Ideas**

To Think about Jesus Chair Yoga
How to Play:
Ask the children: Is it ever hard for you to sit still and reverent during the Sacrament? (Wait for answers). Today’s activity will give you some gentle yoga stretches and poses that you can do during the sacrament to help you focus – if you can do so without being distracting to others.
Today’s song is all about how we can be thoughtful and reflective while taking the sacrament or at other times while we are thinking about Jesus. These yoga moves are great for meditation and relieving stress.

Introduce one line of the song and one yoga pose at a time. Each yoga pose fits with a line of the song, for example:
- “It shouldn’t be hard to sit very still” – Slightly twist at torso
- “And think about Jesus, his cross on the hill” – Slowly nod up and down
Continue to add another line of the song and a new yoga pose, singing from the beginning as you add each new pose.
You can use our To Think about Jesus flip chart to help teach the lyrics. Simply display them up on the board and then focus on your activity at hand.
Chair Yoga Poses – Verse 1:
- Slightly Twist at Torso – Place one hand on your opposite knee. Slightly twist your torso and face toward the direction of that knee.
- Slowly Nod Up & Down – Slowly tuck your chin down to your chest, then lift it back up and lower your head towards your back. This motion is like nodding, but with control and a further stretch.
- Rotate Both Wrists – Hold both wrists out in front of you with your arms tucked against your side. Rotate both wrists clockwise or counter-clockwise.
- Lean Forward – Lean forward with elbows and arms resting across your knees. Roll your back into an arch and relax your neck.
- Hug Knee, Rotate Ankle – Bring one knee upward towards your chest. Hold the knee in place with both hands. Rotate your ankle clockwise or counter-clockwise.
- Gently Roll Shoulders – Sit up tall with your neck held high. Lift and rotate your shoulders in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

Extension Activities:
- Invite the children to come up with a different yoga pose to try! Swap it out for one of the moves in my pattern. Continue to add different poses and moves that the children come up with until you have 6 unique yoga poses!
- Sing through the song with just the adult leaders. Ask the children to think about Jesus as you try the poses and follow along while the adults sing. How did that make them feel trying to focus on our Savior?
- Try singing extra slow or fast speed to vary the feeling of the yoga poses.
To Think about Jesus Chair Yoga Video Demo
To help you better visualize each of the yoga poses and how they fit together with the song, I’ve created a short video to demonstrate the poses and then use each pose along with the 1st verse!
> See the To Think about Jesus Chair Yoga Video Demo on YouTube <

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this The Lord Gave Me a Temple Yoga Poses singing time activity!
To Think about Jesus Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 1-page sheet with all 6 actions so you can follow along with the actions in your Primary room!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 1/4 page and full page yoga pose cards. Plus a 1-page yoga pose picture guide. Includes a pattern for the 2nd verse as well. You’ll find these bonus files included when To Think about Jesus is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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You’ll also love this fun and engaging To Think about Jesus Eraser Pass game! Watch for it to publish next week. 🙂

What other fun ways will you use this chair yoga singing time activity in your Primary room?