When He Comes Again Scratch & Match

Your Primary children will be thrilled with this fun When He Comes Again Singing Time activity! You’ll make these easy and fun scratch off puzzle that will have all the kids eager to sing and excited to participate.

You can use this scratch & match lesson plan in a variety of ways – including a no-fuss, no-mess way with just using the images or word strips for a match activity!

**See lots of teaching ideas in this post with 25 When He Comes Again Singing Time Ideas**

Unique way to teach When He Comes Again Scratch & Match singing time ideas including printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders and how-to directions.

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When He Comes Again Scratch & Match Singing Time Activity


How to make a scratch off singing time game!

How to Make the Scratch Offs:

Print the words or images below on cardstock. Cut them out into individual pieces. Then, laminate or cover the pages in contact paper. I love my laminator!! With these inexpensive laminating sheets, it’s a bargain to take the extra step to preserve my supplies so they last!

Laminating Primary Singing Time Printable Lesson Plans

Mix 2 parts paint with 1 part dish soap. My silver paint was very thin, so I added 1 part dark blue paint for better coverage, 1 part silver paint, and 1 part dish soap.

Paint on 3-4 thin coats of your paint soap mixture, covering the words or pictures. Allow to dry fully between additional layers.

How to Play
When He Comes Again Scratch & Match

Sing through I Wonder When He Comes Again first, before introducing your activity. Pop over here to grab our When He Comes Again Flip chart, if helpful!

Then, tell the children something happened to your clues! Someone hid them!! Can they help you reveal the clues and then find their match?

When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea Scratch & Match

You’ll have already chosen either word or symbols to use for the activity (or a combination) and prepared the scratch off fun! I like the pictures, so that’s what I used for all the rest of my pictures, but I do have both options in the printable lesson below!

Post the poster page that says, “I wonder when he comes again…” up on the whiteboard.

When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea Scratch & Match

Have 2 children come up and scratch off one of the symbols. You can separate them with one from each match on separate sides of the board to make matches a little easier, like for Junior Primary, or mix them all together.

Wonder When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea - Scratch & Match activity! This lesson will WOW your Primary class! Grab this free printable lesson plan and how to for Primary Music Leaders / Primary Choristers.

Sing through the song again after each set of 2 is scratched off, and you’ll get tons of repetition in and kids eager to sing to participate!

This is my 11 year old son’s scratch off attempts! LOL. You can certainly see the image, but boys definitely don’t do things clean and pretty.

When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea Scratch & Match

** Note on Clean-up **

Keep in mind – you’ll want to bring a couple paper towels or better yet baby wipes to clean up all the paint that’s scratched off.

Extension/Alternate Activities:

  • Have the children help assemble the song in order, as they start to make matches!
  • Keep the two words/pictures in a row together, to simplify the activity or spend less time overall on this activity. Have the kids scratch off the pair together and try to put it in sequential order in the song.
  • Skip the scratch off and hide the images around the room. Have 2 children go on a “hunt” and bring 2 symbols or words up to the board.
  • Pass out the scratch game to individual classes (or rows) one set at a time. They’ll scratch off the game pieces, then decode them!
When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea Scratch & Match

For another fun singing time idea, head over to this Love One Another Line Match game!! It’s a print-and-go activity the kids will really enjoy!

love one another line match sq

When He Comes Again Scratch & Match Singing Time Lesson Plan

This printable includes 1-page poster intro and then a page with 8 different keywords to use with the scratch and match activity.

When He Comes Again Singing Time Idea Scratch & Match
When He Comes Again Scratch & Match Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find bonus extended printables for this activity including a printable lesson plan, additional keywords, and 1/4 page and 1/2 page graphics. These are all included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership whenever When He Comes Again is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Now, head over to see our fun When He Comes Again Fill in the Blank activity to write or add a symbol for what comes next in the song!

My Senior primary children especially love playing word games in singing time! Try this fun When He Comes Again Fill in the Blank activity to see how well your primary kids know the lyrics to When He Comes Again! Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders. #LDS #Primary #Singingtime #Musicleader

What other fun ways could you extend or adapt these printables for Singing Time? Let us know in the comments to help others, too!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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