Winter Olympics Yoga Poses Cards – Teach Me to Walk in the Light

Who else is so excited for the Winter Olympics? I always love watching the figure skating. It’s definitely my favorite! As a fun way to incorporate the Winter Olympics into Primary, I’ve created these printable Winter Olympics Yoga Poses Cards!

I’ve designed them specifically to match the Olympic sports, but they can be used any winter to highlight some of the most popular winter sports!

This is one of our fun purposeful movement learning activities! Head over to see 12 fun ways to teach with Purposeful Movement.

**Head Here to See all Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas!**

Have fun with these Printable Winter Olympics yoga poses cards! Singing Time Lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching Teach Me to Walk in the Light.

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Winter Olympics Yoga
Teach Me to Walk in the Light Idea

This spin off yoga activity is a fun way to bring in the current world events of the Winter Olympic Games into your Primary in a meaningful way!

I plan to use this activity with the Primary song Teach Me to Walk in the Light. However, you can use these fun yoga cards with or without music and with any song you’d like!

Winter Olympics Yoga Cards - Free printable cards and lesson plan with ideas on ways to use them with kids to teach music!

How to Play:

Print out the Winter Olympics Yoga cards, either the ¼ page or full page option. Cut them out into individual cards. The printable file is at the bottom of this post!

Sing through Teach Me to Walk in the Light, or whatever Primary song you choose to work on during this activity. You can grab our Teach Me to Walk in the Light Flip Chart here, if helpful!

Post all the Winter Olympic Yoga cards up on the whiteboard, face down. Let the children pick one of the actions, and help you demonstrate what it looks like. Sing through the song doing this single action for the whole verse.

Winter Olympics Yoga Cards - hockey goalie, snowboarder, alpine skier, figure skater

Have another child come and pick another action and demonstrate it. Have the children mirror you and practice the stance. Now, sing through the song and switch poses every other line. “Teach me to walk in the light of his love…” is the first yoga pose. “Teach me to pray to my father above…” for your second pose. Continue to alternate through the song.

Add additional actions and rotate through them during the song until you have 4 actions. Then, replace the first action with a new action!

Consider passing out some fun gold medals award necklaces to stick with the theme!

Winter Olympics Yoga Cards - alpine skier with printable lesosn plan

Extension Activities:

  • Let the kids pick and rearrange an order for the 4 yoga stances to rotate through during the song.
  • Do one yoga pose on the 1st and 3rd line, then let the 2nd and 4th lines be freestyle! Pick any position they’d like or come up with their own!
  • Have the children vote on their favorite winter Olympic sport to watch. Do that stance then vote again!
  • Have a helper hold the cards and secretly hold four yoga pose cards. Have them hold up their 1st choice, then switch between the actions at the end of each line.
8 Winter Olympics Yoga Cards - Free printable cards and lesson plan

Winter Olympics Yoga Athlete Cards:

  • Snowboarder
  • Figure Skater
  • Hockey Goalie
  • Alpine Skier
  • Curler
  • Bobsled Racer
  • Ski Jumper
  • Luge Racer
LDS Baptism Song - Body Rhythm Pattern Singing Time activity and lesson plan for Primary Music Leaders. Also, a fun activity for LDS families home study of Come, Follow Me.

Head over next to see this fun Baptism Body Rhythm Pattern for more fun ideas for using movement during Singing Time.

Winter Olympics Yoga Cards
& Walk in the Light Lesson Plan

This lesson plan includes a one page overview with how to use the cards during Singing Time while teaching a song with some fun extension activities, too.

It also includes 8 different yoga positions for 8 fun winter sports. I’ve included them in 2 sizes – 1/4 page and full page so you can print the size that best fits you needs and use!

Winter Olympics Yoga Cards - Free printable cards and lesson plan with ideas on ways to use them with kids to teach music!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Next, head over to see this fun Teach Me to Walk in the Light Finger Light Shapes singing time activity the kids will love!

Winter Olympics Yoga Poses Cards - Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 6744 e1657039406518

What other fun ways could you use the Winter Olympics Yoga cards in Primary?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

5 thoughts on “Winter Olympics Yoga Poses Cards – Teach Me to Walk in the Light”

  1. I would really like to use these for my primary. Could you please send me the link? I can’t get the one from this sight to work.

    Thank you so much

    • Hi Sarah, The download link is right at the bottom of the post! Make sure you don’t have any ad blockers or pop up blockers that could stop it from working. You’ll need the password as an email subscriber to access the file. If you need more help – shoot me an email!

  2. I am a subscriber, I do not understand where to find the password in order to download your material. You have wonderful ideas that I want to use.


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