Are you looking to have some fun this summer? Why not bring in balloons! Kids love balloons but they can be loud when popped, so these adorable illustrated balloons will be the perfect swap. There’s 7 fun ways to use these Balloon Games in Singing Time included below, plus a Up, Up, and Away Primary Program progress tracker idea, too!
Illustrated Balloon Review Game
For an alternative to bringing real balloons into your Primary room, you’ll love this safe, noise-free, and adorable alternative of illustrated balloons! Here are some adaptations and additional ideas and activities for using these illustrated balloons in your Singing time!
How to Use:
- Decide on a song list of different songs you want to sing through. Number them or use their color name and provide a list to your pianist as well. You can also choose to simply write the song titles onto your ballons! I recommend laminating the ballons and then writing the song titles with a wet erase marker so you can reuse them again in the future with different songs.
- Line up your Balloon illustrations up on the board. Invite a child to come up and pick a balloon. Sing the song that coordinates with the balloon they have selected.
- Continue to pick new songs and make your way through all of your songs you have preselected to sing.
7 Primary Balloon Games & Ideas
Play a game of I Spy! Find an object in the room that is red. Give a descriptive word to describe your object, such as it is round, it is far away, it is bigger than a notebook, it is heavy, etc. Let them guess and try to figure out what the object is. When they find it – you’ll “pop” the matching colored balloon and sing that coordinating song!
High & Low – Invite a child to hold your balloon card and raise it as high as they can or bring it down as low as they can. As the balloon raises you’ll sing louder and louder. Then, as it lowers, you’ll sing quieter until you reach a faint whisper.
Thumbs Up – As you sing the song, invite teachers to decide with a thumbs up or a thumbs down if the song is “program ready”. If you get all thumbs up – you get to “pop” the balloon! Remove it from the board and move on with just the remaining balloons!
Hidden Balloons – Hide the balloons around the room. Invite a child to hunt for the song while you sing. When it is found, everyone quickly bounces in their seat, then continues singing. Add it to the board. You can invite the child to tap the balloon to add another “bounce” through the rest of the song if you’d like, as long as it doesn’t get too crazy.
Pass the Balloon – Pass the balloon card down the row from child to child. When the music stops – whoever is holding the balloon card tries to say or sing the next word. If they get it right, their side of the room gets a point! Start the music again and continue to pass the balloon down the rows.
Balancing Balloons – Ask a child to come up front and try to balance your balloon illustration on top of their head. You can keep adding to the challenge through the song by adding a plastic cup, and then another balloon illustration to represent the challenge of balancing real balloons. How high can they stack?
Balloon Racer – Tape a plastic straw to the back of the balloon and thread a piece of string through the straw. Thread the string across the Primary room. Blow or move the ballon down the string track as they progress with mastering their songs!
For even more fun games to try using balloons in your primary room, head over to this Balloon Bounce activity with a bunch of fun ways to use real balloons in your Singing Time!
Up, Up, and Away Primary Program
Progress Tracker Review Game
Program Tracker – Use the balloons with your song titles paired with the progress markers. Move your balloons up in rank as they get closer and closer to being ready for the Primary Program! When all balloons are at the top, they’ve earned a party!
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Blown Out of the Water singing time activity!
Illustrated Balloon Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 1-page black and white printable of my balloons on a string illustrations that can be paired with some of the games above! It does not include any of the Primary Program Progress tracker files.
Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including the Up, Up, and Away Balloon theme Program tracker, Colorful balloons in 10 colors in 1/4, 1/2 and full page sizes. You’ll find these bonus files included in the June Book of Mormon packet. You can also pick up the Balloon Program Tracker in my shop here or in my Etsy store here.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For another fun singing time game that will work to sing through a variety of fun songs, head over to see this Staking Tower Review Game (aka Jenga!)
What other fun ways will you use this singing time activity in your Primary room?