Baptism Arrangement & Silent Video

You can introduce the songs in an interesting way with either a special arrangement or silent video! This can be a powerful way for helping the children feel the spirit in those quiet moments or just really fall in love with your songs for the year! I’ll be introducing the Primary Baptism Song (archives) with a special arrangement this year.

** See 20 Baptism Song Singing Time Ideas here **

Baptism Arrangement and Silent Video singing time ideas for teaching with a spiritual learning style with any of these video clips!

Baptism Arrangement Videos

For a special Baptism arrangement you either ask someone from your ward or Primary to sing the song to the Primary using a different arrangement. Or, pick out a version you love from YouTube. This is a really fun way to present the song in a new way and make the song feel “cool” especially to those older boys that still aren’t sure they want to be here in Primary singing with you.

This melody arrangement is really neat — it combines When I Am Baptized with Baptism song for a beautiful rendition.

I also really loved this guitar arrangement of Baptism and thought it was fun to see these missionaries singing this song! They performed this at one of their investigator’s baptisms! You’ll want to start this video at :25 seconds (like I have done above) as the beginning they’re just trying to figure out if they’re filming.

Another option is to play this video clip of missionaries singing Baptism in the Conference Center.

Baptism Silent Video Option

If you want to try a silent video instead, you can use the Bible Videos on! This one is perfect as it’s all about Jesus coming to John the Baptist to get baptized.

You would play the video with the sound muted. Then, add a musical score for Baptism to play. Something without words would work best, so they can just listen to the beautiful melody while watching this important moment in Christ’s life.

When I do a silent video, I really like to whisper (or speak really quietly) a short testimony about what I felt. Keeping your tone extra quiet will help the kids really focus on you and what you have to say in your brief testimony or any thoughts you may want to share.

You could even ask if the children if they felt that? Did they feel the Spirit, too?

If you have extra time you can start by singing Baptism together before you introduce the Silent Video.

Next, head over to these other fun Baptism Song activities: 

Baptism Drumming the Beat singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song

Which video / option did you like best? I’m still trying to decide!!

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