Have some fun in singing time with this Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers pattern! This living music activity is a great way to utilize instruments in singing time in a fun and simple way!
Use this egg shaker pattern with just 3 different rhythms while you review Behold the Great Redeemer Die in singing time this month!
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Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers
Have you ever used egg shakers in singing time before? Was it a little bit crazy? Did the kids have fun? If the answer to both those questions is YES, then you’re probably like most music leaders!
Bringing instruments to singing time for the first time can be a little stressful. The first time you introduce an instrument in primary, the kids will probably be super excited to try them out!
If you are brand new to using egg shakers in primary, I recommend grabbing this set of 40 egg shakers. You can also check out this post for a basic run-down of how to use egg shakers in primary! We also have these egg shaker rhythm cards that are great for any primary song!
To help encourage reverence while using egg shakers, I like to have the kids set their egg shaker in their lap when they aren’t playing it OR have them try to see how quietly they can hold their shaker.
Before you introduce the egg shakers, review the first verse of Behold the Great Redeemer Die using our flipchart. Post the pattern up on the board. Ask the children, what do you notice? Do you see any patterns? What might the shapes represent?
Demonstrate the first line of the song with the pattern. Then pause, and ask if they think they can follow along! Pass out the egg shakers.
Sing through the song once until you get to the green squares – pause the song. Wait, here’s something new! What should we do next? See if you can follow along!
Continue to steadily shake all the way through the special female-only line of the song. Then keep on going with the pattern, pointing to where you’re at when you jump back in with a circle.
What pattern did we do for the circles? Have the children show you all together. You’re right – one solid shake for each note or syllable. Have them show you again for the other 2 symbols what the pattern was.
Next, try adding the music! Shake a solid single shake on each note/syllable. For words that are more than a quarter note in length, do a long shake with the egg shakers.
When the girls sing the solo section, have the kids shake a quiet steady beat continuously through each word. Continue singing and using the egg shaker pattern!
Egg Shaker Rhythms:
- ???? Shake on every note – Shake one distinct shake for each single note, represented by a circle.
- ???????? Long shake – Shake a fast shake through the notes that are more than one beat.
- ???? Steady shake – Continuously shake in a slow, steady shake through the special female-only line of the song.
- ↔ Switch hands – Pass the egg shaker from your right hand to your left, or back again from your left hand to your right throughout the song on the 2-ct notes.
Extension Activities:
- Try adding some of our egg shaker rhythms with these egg shaker beat rhythm cards. Have a child come to the front and choose one of the rhythms to use during the verse. You can also pick a few cards and use them in different sections of the song!
- While the girls sing the solo section, have the boys only do the egg shaker rhythm!
- Have them pick one of the shapes and ONLY do that action and sing all the other words. Now, switch to a different shape and sing the rest of the words remaining.
- Try the fun challenge pattern to switch hands on all the 2-ct notes and keep the long shake on the full measure words.
- Choose a few key words in the song (ex. “redeemer,” “dies,” “sin”). Have the kids shake on the key words!
For 5 more egg shaker rhythms, head over to this Faith Song Egg Shakers singing time idea!
Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers Demo Video
Practice along with me! I’ve created this short Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers Demo Video to help ease any stress or confusion you might have about using this egg shaker pattern in primary.
In this video, I explain the rhythms in this pattern and demonstrate the entire first verse with the egg shaker pattern. Just grab the link below and try it with me so that you can be ready for singing time!
–> Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers Demo Video <–
Behold the Great Redeemer Die Egg Shakers Printable Pattern Sheet
You will definitely want to grab this free printable pattern sheet that includes the egg shaker pattern for the song, as well as the key for the symbols in the pattern. In this printable, you’ll find the pattern divided into 2 pages.
Just print out both pages of the pattern and try a little bit of the pattern at a time! Printing out the pattern key can also be useful to help remind the primary kids what each symbol means.
You’ll find an additional fun challenge pattern and black and white printable version included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Behold the Great Redeemer Die is the featured song of the month!
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For another fun way to review this song, try this Behold the Great Redeemer Die Dance Scarves activity!
How did your primary kids enjoy this egg shaker activity? What other instruments have you brought in for singing time?