This Choose the Right Way Missing Words fun singing time activity is one of a kind! You’ll have the kids help you crack the code and add in tons of purposeful movement while you’re at it.
Use this activity to introduce Choose the Right Way (archives) or as a meaningful review activity. It hits on a variety of learning styles while being engaging and fun!
I’ll be using this activity during the 2nd week of January, two other easy activities. See my full Singing Time lesson plan for January here!
Head here to see Choose the Right Way Singing Time Ideas for easy ways to teach this song!
Choose the Right Way Missing Words
How to Play:
Post the Missing Words signs.
Sing through Choose the Right Way (lyrics here), asking the kids to pay attention to the chart to see if they can find the missing word(s). You can use first option for Junior with just a single missing word, or do the slightly harder version for both Junior and Senior Primary.
When they’ve discovered the key and found all the missing words, have the kids sing ONLY the missing words. Then sing ONLY the written words, skipping all the symbols.
Add a different action for each of the missing words, such as:
- Right: Patsch
- Way: Snap
- Happy: Double Clap (one for each syllable)
- Choose: Stomp (Double stomp for “choosing”)
_ _ _ _ _ = RIGHT
> > > = WAY
* * * * * = HAPPY
++++++ = Choosing/Choose
You can also mix it up and let the kids help you pick out what fun actions to add for each of the coded symbols!
For another fun version of this activity and more ideas for incorporating it into your singing time, see our Teach Me to Walk in the Light Action Code!
Choose the Right Way Missing Words Printable Song Helps & Lesson Plan
This Choose the Right Missing Words lesson is a fun and engaging activity that really drives home the keywords of the song! It uses logical conclusions and words as they puzzle through the initial activity.
Then, transform the activity into a meaningful movement activity with simple actions as you sing through the song.
You’ll find a a 3-page printable missing words guide for the 1st verse included as a free printable in this post.
Your INSTANT Primary Singing membership includes a printable lesson plan, simple “right” blanks for the 1st verse, the 2nd verse, and 1-page condensed printables as part of the extended printables when Choose the Right Way is a featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For a wonderful way to teach about choosing the right, head over to our Choose the Right Way Clap Instead lesson plan!
How will you use this Choose the Right Way missing words activity?