Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes Chorus

You’ll love bringing chimes in to teach your Easter songs it’s the perfect instrument for the season! This printable Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart covers the chorus to help the chorus have a special and unique feeling!

See more Easter Hosanna Singing Time Ideas here!

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart - use this fun printable chime charts to play the chorus of Easter Hosanna to add a fun emphasis to this Primary Easter song! Great singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps.

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes

How to Play:

Sing through Easter Hosanna once, before introducing the chimes.

Lay your chimes down on the holders and play the chime chorus with your pianist. There are just 14 notes for the chorus.

Do you have a set of pipe chimes? They’re a great instrument to add to your collection and they’re pretty affordable, too. You can get a set of 28 different pipe chimes with Musical Pipes Etsy shop.

Jesus Has Risen Chimes Chart fun Easter Singing Time idea for LDS Primary music leaders. Use this printable bell chart that works with numbered chimes.

Grab the set of Pipe Chimes Music Note Cards to easily and quickly make your own chime charts for ANY song easily! Just use your white board or chalkboard to write the lyrics or keywords and line up your note cards.

You will need 5 kids to help you play the chimes. Or, in a smaller Primary you can use 4 kids and have one of the children play both #15 and #8 which are only played once.

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart - use this fun printable chime charts to play the chorus of Easter Hosanna to add a fun emphasis to this Primary Easter song! Great singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps.

As the music leader, you’ll point to the note in sequence of when to play each note. Each child will hold one chime holding by the string at the top and being careful not to touch the chime.

The children will watch for their specific number and strike the chime with one swift tap. The notes follow along with the piano accompaniment. You can play the piano or just use the chimes, whichever works best for you.

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart - use this fun printable chime charts to play the chorus of Easter Hosanna to add a fun emphasis to this Primary Easter song! Great singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps.

Everyone sings along with the song and pick new helpers after each time through the song until everyone gets a chance to chime the bells! Since the chimes are only for the chorus, that the children will learn quickly, you’ll get in lots of singing repetition on the verses while adding in some fun for the chorus!

*Note: There is one different note in the repeating chorus, so you’ll play note #15 the first time through and then #12 the second time through.

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart - use this fun printable chime charts to play the chorus of Easter Hosanna to add a fun emphasis to this Primary Easter song! Great singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps.

Extension Activities:

  • You might see if you can get special permission to play the chimes for the chorus if singing this song for Easter!
  • Add just one chime at a time. I recommend starting with chime #12, but you can let your volunteer pick from the available chimes. Now, add another chime number and have two helpers participate!
  • Stand to sing the chorus and give it all the extra emphasis you can! Have the children sing it out like a Hosanna shout and see if the rooms nearby can hear them sing!
Jesus Has Risen Chimes Chart fun Easter Singing Time idea for LDS Primary music leaders. Use this printable bell chart that works with numbered chimes.

For another really fun activity using chimes, head over to grab this printable Jesus Has Risen Chimes Chart!

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes Printable Chart

This printable includes a 3-page printable pipe chimes chart that follows the chorus of Easter Hosanna. Because one note changes on the repeating chorus line, you’ll watch for the special note on the final page of the chart for which bell to play the first time through and which to play the 2nd time through (not both).

Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes chart - use this fun printable chime charts to play the chorus of Easter Hosanna to add a fun emphasis to this Primary Easter song! Great singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps.
Easter Hosanna Pipe Chimes Chorus Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan, bonus black and white printable chart and separate pages for the repeating final line that has a different note included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Easter Hosanna is the featured song of the month!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another wonderful activity to help you teach this song, head over to see this Easter Hosanna Action Words activity!

Easter Hosanna Action Words - Use these simple hand actions to review this Easter song in singing time with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

How did this pipe chimes activity go over with your Primary? What other ways could you extend this activity?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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