You’ll have so much fun teaching Every Star is Different (archives) to your Primary children this year with this unique lesson plan! Bring in these hand-drawn Every Star is Different Star Masks to transform the children into unique stars as they help lead the song!
*See all Every Star is Different Singing Time Ideas here!*

Every Star is Different Star Masks
Sing through Every Star is Different (flip chart here) once, before introducing this activity.
Pull out these adorable star cutout masks. Invite a child or two to come up and pick out one of your masks. They’ll help lead the music and sing out with the star mask.
You can then invite your helpers to share something that makes them unique!

Fill up your board with all the ways that your Primary kiddos are stars! What makes them unique and special?
Share a brief testimony of how each of the children are special to Heavenly Father and created by him to be just the way they are, just like he created the stars!

Extension Activities:
Invite the children to close their eyes and pick one helper. Have that child come up front and hide their face behind your star mask, uncut or with only a couple small cutouts. Have the children try to guess the helper!
Invite 2-4 children to come up and sing the song as a solo with their star masks! You could have the helpers sing one line and then the rest of your Primary sing the next line or switch between verse and chorus.

Have the teachers wear the star masks and come up front. After each time through the song, ask the teachers a trivia question about the song. Invite the teachers to raise their hand as they know the answer. Give a point to the teacher who answers correctly, giving the teacher who raises their hand first a chance to answer. Then let that teacher swap out someone else from their class to take their spot and continue with the game. Sing through the song again and ask another song trivia question.
- Example Song Trivia Questions:
- What word is used to describe how the star shine? (Brightly)
- Fill in the blank: Some are bright and __. (Happy)
- Why is everyone needed? (For just what he can do!)
- Who else can be you? (No one!)
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Away in a Manger Partner Arm Swing singing time activity!
Every Star is Different Star Masks Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes one style of our star masks designs in full-page size!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 3 additional star masks designs in full page and 1/2 page sizes, plus “I’m a star because…” cards. You’ll find these bonus files included when Every Star is Different is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
You’ll also love this engaging Every Star is Different Astronomy Object Lesson that connects the depths of all of God’s creation to how different the creation of His children are as well, and how we are His most important creation!
What other fun ways will you use this star masks singing time activity in your Primary room?