Faith Testimony Ingredients (2nd Verse)

Do you know what Faith Testimony Ingredients you need? You can use this sweet Primary song to teach the children important and eternal truths about the plan of salvation, where we go when we die, who we can rely on, and how to have a happy life with these 4 “ingredients” in the second verse of Faith!

This Faith song is one of the featured songs to teach in both the New Testament and Book of Mormon Come Follow Me song list!

*See TONS of Faith Singing Time Ideas here*

Faith Testimony Ingredients - Compare the simple ingredients a plant needs to grow and thrive with the ingredients of our testimony from the 2nd verses of the LDS Children's Songbook song Faith. Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders with printable visual aids.

Faith Testimony Ingredients

How to Play:

Sing through the first verse of Faith (lyrics here) that you have learned earlier, or you can also work on the first verse of the song with this activity if you would like. I’ve designed it especially to tie the first and 2nd verse together with a focus on the 2nd verse.

After you sing through the first verse, as the children what does a plant need to live? When they share one of the 4 answers you can put it up on the board – Sun, Soil, Water, and Air. They may not get that last one, you can remind the children that plants help recycle the air we breathe!

Faith Testimony Ingredients - Compare the simple ingredients a plant needs to grow and thrive with the ingredients of our testimony from the 2nd verses of the LDS Children's Songbook song Faith. Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders with printable visual aids.

Ask: Why might faith be like a seed? (Take a few answers)

Now, sing the 2nd verse of Faith. What did you hear in that verse?

The part of the plant that gives it the most strength is the roots! They anchor the plant deep into the ground to provide strength and nutrients. Understand where we came from and where we are going helps to give us roots. It reminds us of our purpose.

You may not know this, but many people do not know the purpose of life! These two aspects facts “I lived with God” (Sun) and “I can return” (Soil) reminds me of the Soil and the Sun ingredients. When we know and understand these concepts they provide warmth, security, strength, and purpose. Add the first two lines picture cards up on the board.

Faith Testimony Ingredients - Compare the simple ingredients a plant needs to grow and thrive with the ingredients of our testimony from the 2nd verses of the LDS Children's Songbook song Faith. Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders with printable visual aids.

Sing through the 2nd verse. Ask the children to listen for who helps us! (God and Christ)

We can strength or testimony daily (just like a seed) by providing our Spirit with the essentials it needs each day. Just like a plant needs to drink daily from water within the soil and air. Did you know that plants breathe? They need air to make food and convert food into energy to grow! We can strengthen our testimony by daily trying our best to follow the example of Jesus and obeying the commandments. This helps us to grow stronger in our faith and testimony!

Sing through the 2nd verse again.

Close with your testimony of obedience or trust.

Faith Testimony Ingredients - Compare the simple ingredients a plant needs to grow and thrive with the ingredients of our testimony from the 2nd verses of the LDS Children's Songbook song Faith. Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders with printable visual aids.

Extension Activities:

  • Put the greyscale cards up on the board. Have the children hunt for the matching colored card while you sing and add it over the grey one to “add” it as an ingredient.
  • Print two copies of each image you want to include (both pages or just the first or second set of images). Scramble all the cards on the board and seek for matches! When you find a match, talk about how it relates to your object lesson.
  • Bring in a seed sprout or some of these elements physically to let the children have a more immersive hands on lesson!
An Angel Came to Joseph Smith nature object lesson singing time

This activity reminds me a bit of this An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Sensory Bin lesson plan! Head over to see that activity for more ideas on how to enhance this lesson plan!

Faith Testimony Ingredients
Printable Visual Aids!

To help you draw the connections to faith being like a seed and the 2nd verse, I drew these cute visuals with the 4 key ingredients a seed needs and our faith needs to grow! You’ll find 2 pages of 1/4 sheet images to help you with this lesson plan above.

Faith Testimony Ingredients - Compare the simple ingredients a plant needs to grow and thrive with the ingredients of our testimony from the 2nd verses of the LDS Children's Songbook song Faith. Fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders with printable visual aids.

For members of INSTANT Primary Singing, you’ll find additional extended printables for this song when it’s one of the songs of the month that include a printable lesson plan, black and white printables, and large full-page images.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another fun way to teach this song with a word game, try this Faith Song Word Search!

Use this fun Faith Word Search game to find all the hidden words about faith while you sing this Come Follow Me New Testament song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways could you extend this Faith Testimony Ingredients lesson plan?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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