Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word

Your primary children will love this fun Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word singing time activity! Fill in each missing word blank with a simple picture to review Have I Done Any Good in primary this month!

See all Have I Done Any Good Singing Time Ideas here!

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word - Use this fun word game and replace each missing lyric with the correct picture while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word

I’m so glad this song was added to the 2024 Book of Mormon song list! Teaching hymns in singing time can be a great way to help our primary children feel more included during sacrament meeting.

Hymns can also be a little tricky to teach. This song in particular is a bit longer than most primary songs, and it can be hard to keep the verses straight. For a fun way to practice the song lyrics, play this fill in the blank word game!

The basic idea behind this activity is to fill in each word blank with a picture to represent each missing word while you review!

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word - Use this fun word game and replace each missing lyric with the correct picture while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

I’ve created a printable with 16 word blanks and pictures to represent each missing word in the first verse and chorus of the song. Start by printing out each page or phrase and cutting out each image.

Before singing time, set up the board for this activity. On one side of the board, write each phrase with missing word blanks or simply post each page of the printable lyrics. Post the visuals on the other side of the board.

At the beginning of singing time, review Have I Done Any Good using our flip chart or see how well your primary children know the lyrics without any helps!

Can anyone figure out which song is on the board? It looks like some of the words are missing. Can you help me fill in all the missing words?

Have the children identify the first line of the song. Which word is missing? Check the other side of the board to see if you can find a picture that represents the missing word.

Once someone has found the correct picture, have them come up and fill in the word blank with the picture. After filling in a few word blanks, try singing through the song again to give some hints!

Continue having children come up to the board to fill in the missing word blanks. Once you have correctly filled in all the blanks, sing through the song one more time before closing.

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word - Use this fun word game and replace each missing lyric with the correct picture while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Missing Word Examples:

I’ve included a few examples of missing word phrases included in the printable for this activity below. Each missing blank can be filled in with a simple visual. Be sure to grab the full printable for all 16 visuals!

“Have [*updated to a picture of a boy] done any [picture of a thumbs up] in the [picture of a globe] today?”

“Have I [picture of a helping hand] anyone in need?”

“Have I cheered up the [sad emoji] and made someone feel [smiling emoji] ? If not I have failed indeed.”

“Has anyone’s [picture of rocks] been lighter today because I was willing to [picture of two hands interlocking]?”

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word - Use this fun word game and replace each missing lyric with the correct picture while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Randomly tape the pictures around the room! Sing through one line at a time while the kids look for the missing word. Once they have found it, move on to the next line or phrase!
  • Split up the verse and chorus! Have one group work together to find the missing words for the verse and the other group find the missing words for the chorus! Then, have each group sing their section!
  • For a fun intro activity, post only the images on the board. See if the kids can guess which song you’ll be working on! Once they guess, use the pictures to fill in each line as you introduce the song.
  • Clap or snap on each missing word! As you sing, clap instead of sing when you get to a blank.
  • Replace some of the images with the correct song lyric. Follow the same instructions, looking for either the missing picture or the missing word!
Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders In My Fathers Hands 09713 sq

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this In My Father’s Hands Missing Words Match singing time activity!

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes song lyrics for the first verse with missing blanks. You’ll also find keyword icons for the words!

*Note “eye” has been changed to an icon of a boy to be a little more clear what the wording means.

Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word - Use this fun word game and replace each missing lyric with the correct picture while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including additional keyword blanks for the chorus and 2nd verse. Plus, a filled in lyrics chart version. You’ll find these bonus files included when Have I Done Any Good is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Head on over to this Have I Done Any Good Paper Plates for another engaging review idea!

Have I Done Any Good Paper Plates - use this fun living music singing time idea with simple paper plate rhythms and printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this missing word singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

4 thoughts on “Have I Done Any Good Choose the Missing Word”

    • Hi Tracie, Just the first verse is included in the free printable. The kids pickup the chorus very easily or you can use a different method to teach the chorus.

        • Hi Mikaela, The paid packet does include the 2nd verse! There’s a description in the post on what the extended printables includes, if that’s helpful in the future. There’s also information in the shop on which activities cover more than one first. Most do, but not all as sometimes the activity is pretty specific or geared towards a specific verse. I hope that helps!


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