My Heavenly Father Loves Me Recorder Sheet Music

This fun recorder version of My Heavenly Father Loves Me (archives) is a great enrichment activity to challenge the Senior Primary with!

In 4th grade, most students learn to play the recorder so they likely even have one around their home that they can use for practicing.

**See TONS of fun ways to help you teach My Heavenly Father Loves Me Singing Time activities here!**

My Heavenly Father Loves Me recorder sheet music singing time idea with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song. Interactive way to include the oldest Senior Primary class of kiddos (especially those boys!) engaged with learning this song!

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My Heavenly Father Loves Me Recorder Music

My son was obsessed with the recorder when it came home last year (4th grade) and he played it all the time. He lost his recorder which gave us a welcome break from baa-baa-black sheep and other repetitive high pitched songs. But he had been asking for a recorder again.

I bought him a Recorder and learn to play recorder book and we decided to work together to create sheet music for My Heavenly Father Loves Me to learn one of the Primary songs with his recorder! He was picking it up faster than I could create the sheet music, but it’s still be great for him to practice with!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me recorder sheet music singing time idea with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song

Now, my son is dreaming of being able to play the recorder for the Program, in place of singing. While he likely won’t be using the recorder for the Primary Program, I do plan to have him present his practice during Primary!

This is his last year in Primary (with a late fall birthday) so he’s one of those anxious boys in the back row so ready to move up!

You could extend this to a whistle along challenge for the Senior primary, to see if they can follow along with the tune – and those high notes! Or have a recorder-off competition! I could see the Senior boys being all over that!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me Recorder in Singing Time

How to Play:

Sing through My Heavenly Father Loves Me once, before introducing this activity.

Bring in recorder instruments for the children to give this activity a try!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me recorder sheet music singing time idea with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song

Let your oldest class of Primary children show off their skills. Kids often learn to play the recorder in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade in the United States in Elementary school. Different school districts may pick different grades.

That means, your oldest class or two in your Primary will have had some exposure to playing the Recorder from school and will love this extra challenge! It also helps them to feel special as that last year in Primary can be difficult.

Use this classroom pack of recorders to easily include a variety of children in this activity, then clean the recorders after use before storing them.

Invite one child at a time (or 2-3 in a larger primary) to accompany you as you sing by playing along with the sheet music. You can provide them with the musical notes the week before, so they can practice playing the music, or just let them play while you sing 2 or 3 times, as time allows.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me recorder sheet music singing time idea with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song. Interactive way to include the oldest Senior Primary class of kiddos (especially those boys!) engaged with learning this song!

Extension Activities:

  • You could extend this to a whistle along challenge for the Senior primary, to see if they can follow along with the tune – and those high notes!
  • Have a recorder play-off competition! I could see the Senior boys being all over that!
  • Let the oldest class prepare ahead of time, then come in and play the recorder music for the Primary as a solo. Ask the kids if they can name the song! Then, sing while the kids play.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me on the Recorder

*Lower your volume before you hit play — those recorder notes are HIGH!

Here’s a quick video of my son’s 2nd full attempt – pretty awesome for just his 2nd time through. The high notes he needs so more practice on covering all the holes just right.

If that video is not loading, and you’re brave enough to want to see it 😉 you can also find the video on my Singing Time YouTube playlist.

Gethsemane Egg Shaker patterns

After you grab the sheet music below, head over for this fun Gethsemane Egg Shakers singing time idea next!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me Primary Recorder Sheet Music

This printable sheet music for the Recorder to play My Heavenly Father Loves Me shows each of the notes in an easy to use and follow format. Just cover each of the holes of the recorder that are filled in, including the one on the back when necessary.

It’s a 3-page printable that goes through the whole Primary song of My Heavenly Father Loves Me!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me recorder sheet music singing time idea with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders teaching this song. Interactive way to include the oldest Senior Primary class of kiddos (especially those boys!) engaged with learning this song!
My Heavenly Father Loves Me Recorder Sheet Music Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan and larger 4-page landscape recorder notes chart included in your INSTANT Primary Singing membership when My Heavenly Father Loves Me is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Continue over to see this creative My Heavenly Father Loves Me Picture Clues singing time activity next! You’ll use these visuals to help teach the song line by line.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me Picture Clues - Help the kids learn the verse and discuss ways we feel God's love with this engaging picture visuals activity for teaching this song. Primary Singing time for Music Ledears.

What other fun ways could you incorporate using this recorder music into your Singing Time?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

2 thoughts on “My Heavenly Father Loves Me Recorder Sheet Music”

  1. I would encourage you to purchase a better instrument. This is more of a recorder-like toy. Yamaha makes good plastic recorders – be sure to get Baroque style instead of the German that your son has. And left hand on top! Enjoy!

    • This was something given to the 4th graders at school and was just a fun side project since many 4th graders learn on the recorder. Thanks for your tips!


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