It’s been a while since I’ve added a new singing time ideas for I Am a Child of God! It’s one many of the children learn as a small child, but that doesn’t mean we can have fun experiences with this song in Primary! Today, I have a fun I Am a Child of God Finger Lights lesson plan you’re going to love.
Finger lights are so much fun and bring in tons of interest and they’ll love drawing some symbols for each verse to help connect with the lyrics. This song is included in the New Testament Songs for Primary list for May. It’s actually included in *3* of the Come Follow Me year rotations!
*See all 27 I Am a Child of God Singing Time Ideas*

I Am a Child of God Finger Lights
Sing through I Am a Child of God (flip chart here) once before introducing the activity.
Show the children the first pattern page. I recommend the chorus page, but it can also be whichever verse you prefer.
Sing the first line or two of the chorus/verse and draw the shapes in the air with your finger. Did you catch that pattern? Can you follow along? Let’s try it together. Draw the two lines together in the air with your finger and continue with the new two lines until you have all 4 shapes.

Let’s sing together with all the actions together, can you draw all four shapes? Sing and draw together.
Tell the kids you have brought in something special that you want to share with them to make these shapes come to life! If they can follow the rules to keep on sequence. Please keep the lights out of other’s eyes. We’ll start in 10 seconds, grab your finger lights and return to your seat! 10… 9…. 8….
I just get this set of Finger Lights from Amazon and they’ve worked great!
Jump right in with singing and following the actions. Exclaim how great they did following along! It was almost perfect! Let’s try again together!
You guys are AMAZING!! I bet you can lead the actions for me! Invite a class or a few kids to come up front and help lead the actions. Then you can continue repeating with new kids leading up front as time permits.

1st Verse:
- Smiley Face – Big circle then eye, eye, smile on “Child of God”
- Swirl for “he has sent”, X on “me here”
- Roof for “has given me” and 3 sides of the house on: “an earthly home”
- 2 lines for “parents” and a big heart for “kind and dear”
- Line for each: Lead me / guide me / walk be- / side me
- Swiggle line for “Help me find the way”
- Big circle for “teach me all that” and checkmark inside for “I must do”
- One line of the star shape for each: live / with / him / some- / day

Extension Activities:
- Cut up the pattern and scramble it up. Try it in fun and silly ways out of order. Then, put it back in the right order.
- Let the kids pick any of the verse patterns and any of the verses and try different combinations together. Can they guess the correct pattern for each verse? What clues to they see in the patterns to help them match the correct one?
- You can skip the finger lights and just draw in the air with your finger. Let the kids pick out an imaginary colorful crayon to draw in the air with. What color is their crayon? We are each unique and individuals and Heavenly Father knows each one of us as we are all his children.
- Have the children help you swap out one pattern for something different, or switch up the whole line with new actions!
For another fun teaching activity with a similar theme, head over to see this Jesus Once Was a Little Child Magic Crayon activity! You’ll draw the individual shapes then watch the magic picture reveal!
I am a Child of God Finger Lights Demo Video!
Try this fun finger lights pattern along with me! I’ve created this short demonstration video to help you prep for this activity. In this video, I’ll demonstrate the finger lights pattern for the first verse and chorus, as well as provide some additional ways to use this activity!
–> I am a Child of God Finger Lights Demo Video <–
I Am a Child of God Finger Lights Printables
I’ve created printable posters for each of the 4 verses of I Am a Child of God and the chorus! I highly recommend just picking one verse to use this activity for, then teaching additional verses on a different week with one of my other ideas for this song. The first verse is included free in the download below!

You’ll find the additional verses and a printable lesson plan included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when I Am a Child of God is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
Here’s another fun way to review this song in this I Am a Child of God Soloist Challenge!
What other fun ways could you expand on this I Am a Child of God Finger Lights activity? How did it go using this teaching idea in your Primary?
How do we actually print on your website? I know I’ve done it before. But every time I always feel like I’m clicking on a bunch of random things and never get to where I need to be. So I avoid using this site because of it. But you have great ideas!!! I’m sure others feel the same. Sorry. The internet can just be frustrating!
Hey Haley,
The text links earlier in the post go to other posts on my website. They are there to interlink helpful content and build site structure. They’re usually pretty clear and specific that they aren’t actually for the download.
The PDFs are always at the end of the post after all the directions and lesson plan. You’ll need to be signed in. If you’re using the same trusted device that stores your cookies then that login should save and it’s just a matter of scrolling down. If you’re not seeing the pdf or PDF link at the very end of the post, then you likely need to just click that button to sign up / sign in and toggle it over to login. There are screenshots to help on the FAQ page here: