Keep the Commandments Paper Plates

I am so excited to bring this Keep the Commandments Paper Plates activity to primary! This activity is designed to be a low-cost, low prep activity that your primary children will love! This fun movement activity is a great way to practice Keep the Commandments this month!

*See all our ways to teach Keep the Commandments here!*

Keep the Commandments paper plates singing time idea fun and easy rhythm pattern to follow the lyrics for LDS Primary music leaders.

I love to have a few easy activities on-hand for those busy weeks. When I need a quick singing time activity, I usually go straight to movement activities! Movement activities are wonderful because they keep kids engaged while singing.

This week, I decided to use something I always have on hand : paper plates! All you need for this activity is a set of 2 paper plates per child. Seriously, that’s all! Paper plates can be an inexpensive way to incorporate rhythm and movement to help as you practice the song.

Keep scrolling below for the directions and then a demo video at the end of the post!

Keep the Commandments Paper Plates singing time idea with song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders fun movement activity for teaching this song

If you’ve never used paper plates for rhythm before, the easiest way to use the plates is to hold each plate by the rim with the bottom of the plate facing outward. This will make for a louder sound when using the plates.

Before I introduce a movement activity in primary, I always like to make sure the kids are somewhat confident in the words. It can be difficult to add actions if you are still shaky on the lyrics. You an quickly review the lyrics using this Keep the Commandments Flip chart.

When I Am Baptized Paper Plate Pattern movement / instrument activity for LDS Primary Singing Time - a easy low prep lesson plan for Primary Choristers #PrimarySinging #LDS #Primary #SingingTime

For another super FUN singing time ideas using Paper Plates, see our Paper Plates Pattern for When I Am Baptized over here!

Keep the Commandments Paper Plates Pattern

Once you have the words down pretty well, you can start introducing the paper plate pattern! There are 4 simple actions you’ll need to know.

Since this song is in 4/4 time, each pattern will be divided into four beats. Since the song is fairly short and only has one verse, you should be able to get through the pattern twice throughout the song.

*If you are using the version from the Primary Children’s Songbook, there are actually 2 verses to this song. If you choose to teach the additional verse, the paper plate pattern should work for the second verse as well.*

1. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap: For this action, tap the backs of the plates together 4 times. I plan to use this pattern for the first 4 beats of the song.

Ex. Keep the comm- (2 taps for keep and one tap for each word (commandments will be split into two different actions for this pattern) or He will send

Keep the Commandments paper plates singing time idea fun and easy rhythm pattern to follow the lyrics for LDS Primary music leaders.

2. Swish Plates Together: For this action, simply rub the plates together to make a “swish sound.” Use this action after doing 4 taps. This will typically finish the 8-bar phrase.

Ex. He will send Blessings (4 taps for “he will send” and swish on “blessings.” You can also use this action for the refrain “Keep the Commandments” toward the end of the song.

3. Tap High: For this action, simply tap the ends of the plates together overhead. You can use this action after doing the “swish” action. This action will typically fall on a part on an “echo” part of the song, so we will add another action to switch it up!

Ex, “In this there is safety”

Keep the Commandments paper plates singing time idea fun and easy rhythm pattern to follow the lyrics for LDS Primary music leaders.

4. Tap Low: This action is very similar to the one above, except you will put the paper plates low to the ground and tap them together. You can use this action for repeated sections.

Ex. “In this there is peace”

Again, you can adapt this pattern however you’d like! You can also have your primary kids come up with rhythms to add to the pattern.

Keep the Commandments Paper Plates singing time idea with song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders fun movement activity for teaching this song

Activity Instructions:

  1. Begin by reviewing the words to Keep the Commandments (flipchart here!)
  2. Introduce the activity by passing out paper plates and demonstrating the 4 actions in the pattern.
  3. After introducing the pattern, allow children to try the pattern a few times before adding music.
  4. Start singing the first verse and try out the paper plate pattern!
  5. After a few run-throughs, you might invite children to come up with their own ideas on how to change the pattern.
Keep the Commandments Paper Plates singing time idea with song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders fun movement activity for teaching this song

Extension Ideas:

  • After singing the song a few times, choose a “signal” word that is used throughout the song. Every time you sing this word, have the children jump up and tap their plates! (Some examples might be the words, “Commandments,” “keep,” “peace.”
  • Have a class share! Have each class come up with their own plate pattern and teach it to the class!
  • If you have time, use the first 2-3 minutes of primary to let the kids decorate their plates. This can be a fun way to personalize their “instrument!”

Keep the Commandments Paper Plate Demo Video

If you need some inspiration to spark ideas for this paper plate activity, this video is just for you! I created this simple demo video that contains 4 main rhythm patterns for Keep the Commandments. This pattern can be adapted in many different ways, but these 4 patterns should do the trick!

Simply click on this link for a Demo Video or watch below!

Keep the Commandments Paper Plates Pattern Printable

Use this fun paper plates pattern printable to help you stay on track with all 4 of the simple actions to teach!

Keep the Commandments paper plates singing time idea fun and easy rhythm pattern to follow the lyrics for LDS Primary music leaders.
Keep the Commandments Paper Plates Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Plus, score a printable lesson plan and larger full page posters of the 4 actions included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Keep the Commandments is the featured song of the month!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

We have so many fun activities to review Keep the Commandments! If you are looking for another great review activity, try out this Keep the Commandments Taste Test Activity!

Keep the Commandments Taste Test singing time idea with a fun contrast of tastes teaches the importance of obeying the commandments. Song helps for teaching this song for LDS Primary Music leaders or fun for a Come Follow Me lesson!

Did you enjoy this paper plates activity? Let us know how it went!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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