Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks

Your primary children will love this fun Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks pattern! Use this living music singing time idea with a pattern for the verse and chorus made of just 4 actions!

For a fun way to review Nephi’s Courage in primary this month, grab a set of rhythm sticks and try out this fun pattern! In this post, you’ll find detailed instructions for this activity, some additional ways to play, a printable pattern, AND a video demonstration! Let’s jump in!

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks

This fun rhythm sticks pattern works great with all 3 verses of the song! Whether you are teaching all 3 verses or just the first, this activity is a great way to get in lots of repetition!

Before passing out rhythm sticks, review the first verse and chorus of Nephi’s Courage (flip chart here!). Then, pass out rhythm sticks so that each child has a pair of 2 rhythm sticks. Ideally, one rhythm stick should be smooth and the other should have ridges. If your rhythm sticks aren’t paired exactly this way, that’s okay!

Introduce the activity by posting the 4 rhythm sticks actions on the board. Have a child come to the front of the room to demonstrate each action. Have the class follow and try each action. Notice how they are different?

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Let’s try our pattern slowly! Post the first page of the rhythm pattern on the board. What two actions are on this page? Slowly try out the pattern before adding lyrics.

Then, speak or sing aloud the first line of the song. Keep singing and trying the pattern until you have repeated the first page 4 times. Alternate between a steady tap with your sticks and rubbing the sticks together. I’ve included an overview of the entire pattern below, so don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with these actions!

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Move on to the next part of the pattern! Quickly review the actions used on this page, then practice the pattern before adding in the music.

The rhythm sticks pattern for the chorus can be found on the third page of the printable pattern. Practice this pattern, then see if you can sing the entire chorus with the pattern!

Ready to try the entire song? Have some fun learning this pattern while reviewing the song!

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Rhythm Sticks Pattern:

This pattern uses just 4 actions that are repeated throughout the song! I’ve included an outline below with explanations for all 4 actions, as well as an outline for the entire pattern.

  1. Steady Tap: For this rhythm, start by holding one rhythm stick in each hand. Then, cross one stick over to tap the other rhythm stick.
  2. Steady Rub: Hold the ridged rhythm stick in your dominant hand. Hold the other stick steady while rubbing the ridged rhythm stick against the other to make a cool sound!
  3. Cross Up High: For this rhythm, cross your sticks above your head and give them a big tap.
  4. Tap on Lap: Hold one rhythm stick in each hand and lightly tap your knees.


The Lord com-manded Nephi to go mand get the plates.

*(Repeat pattern for the second line).


La – / man and Le – / muel were both a – / fraid to try. (2 taps on “try”)

*(Repeat pattern for next line).


I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands. I know the Lord pro – vides a way; He wants me to o – bey.

*(Repeat pattern for last line).

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Split the class into 3 groups and assign each group one page of the pattern. Have each group sing and do the pattern for their section only. Then, switch groups so that each group gets to practice each line!
  • Switch up the pattern for the chorus! Instead of 8 taps on your lap, split it up into 4 lap taps and 4 steady taps or 8 steady taps. Switch it up each time you sing through the song!
  • Choose a partner and have each partner hold one rhythm stick. See if you can work together to complete the pattern!
Jesus Has Risen Partner Rhythm Sticks pattern singing time idea. Use this fun pattern with a partner to have fun with adding movement that perfectly goes along with the lyrics to help teach Jesus Has Risen while having fun! Printables for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Jesus Has Risen Partner Rhythm Sticks singing time activity!

Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks Demo Video

Try out the pattern with me! I’ve created this short how-to video to help make singing time prep a breeze! In this demo video, I explain all 4 rhythms used in this pattern and demonstrate the entire rhythm sticks pattern for the first verse and chorus!

–> Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks Demo Video <–

Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes a one-page overview with all the actions in the pattern, as well as a 3-page rhythm sticks pattern!

Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks - Try this repeatable rhythm sticks pattern while reviewing this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
Nephi's Courage Rhythm Sticks Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including…. You’ll find these bonus files included when XXX song is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another fun review idea, head over to this Nephi’s Courage Crossword Puzzle!

Nephi's Courage Crossword Puzzle - Try this fun crossword puzzle with clues from this Come Follow Me Book of Mormon song with song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this rhythm sticks singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

3 thoughts on “Nephi’s Courage Rhythm Sticks”

  1. I’ve signed up. I’ve scrolled endlessly looking for in-post links which do not appear. I follow what I think is a link and it just takes me to another page and is an endless loop. You’re ideas are super cute but if I can’t access them, it isn’t helpful.

  2. We tried this (Nephi’s Courage rhythm sticks) as a review activity and the kids picked it up so quickly. Hooray! We have a combined primary, so this was a huge success. Thank you!

    For those of you who haven’t made the plunge to buy rhythm sticks. I bought a $5 pair for myself (to use as the example) and all the primary kids used unsharpened pencils I bought in bulk. It was a decent alternative for CHEAP.


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