Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture

I can’t wait to share this fun Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus singing time activity today! You’ll finish the scene with these different visuals that represent each line of the song in this Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture activity.

If you love this singing time idea, head over to see over 100+ Christmas Singing Time Ideas in this expansive post with activities by song and general ideas for any song!

*All Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Singing Time Ideas here*

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture

Sing through Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (flip chart here) once, before introducing this activity. This will help the children remember the song and switch gears from an earlier activity or refocus on singing time!

Tell the children you’re going to need their help today retelling the story from the song. Do they think they can help? Put the first page up on the board – the picture of Samuel.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Ask them, what prophet did we sing about? Do you remember his name? Yes, Samuel the Lamanite! Let’s sing through the song and listen for some clues of what we might want to add to our first picture.

Sing through the song again and pay special attention to the first line. What did you hear about Samuel? (He told the people a prophecy) What did he say to the people? (That Jesus would be born within 5 years)

Let’s add a speech bubble with the number 5! Invite a child to add that to a scene. You can optionally ask another child to add some arrows and fill in the context of who Samuel and the story scene.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Let’s sing again and this time look for a clue – what sign did Samuel say they would see? Sing and listen for the answer! (A night will be as day). Show the second page with the moon and stars.

Invite a child to follow the circle outline of dots to create an outline. Thanks for your help, you changed the night to day! Add a sun or yellow circle over the dot-to-dot circle formed. You can optionally invite another child to add sun rays.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Let’s continue the story. Do you remember what would happen on that special night? Let’s sing and listen for clues! Sing together and then ask, did you hear it? What was it that would happen? (Baby Jesus would be born).

Post the next page with the empty manger. Invite a child to add baby Jesus to the manger.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Next, did you hear clues on WHERE Jesus would be born? Sing and listen. (Far, far away). Show the next page with extra water strips cut out and taped together, then folded accordion style onto of the land with one water left on top.

Have a child come up and hold the front water page and pull to one side to show the distance. I would recommend 2-3 pages of water – but you can do as few or as many as you’d like.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Do you remember where Samuel lived? (the Promised land in the North American continent) Was he far, far away from where Jesus was born? (Yes!)

Fill in the Picture Scenes:

  • Samuel: Add arrows and a speech bubble with the number 5.
  • Moon: Draw a circle by drawing a line dot to dot, then cover with the sun. Optionally, you can have the kids draw in sun rays.
  • Manger: Add baby Jesus to the manger.
  • Water & Land: Fold up the water and have a child unfold it to find the far away land.
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Activity:

Add an action that matches your scene! That could be: standing up with your arms out to prophecy, swiping your hand across the sky, rocking a baby, and leading music, for example.

Give Said the Little Stream Interactive Poster singing time activity! Add different elements to the scene that match the lyrics for a fun way to visually learn the song! Fun teaching idea for LDS Primary music leaders and families.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Give Said the Little Stream Interactive Poster singing time activity!

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture Printable Activity

This free in-post printable includes includes 1/2 page activities for 4 finish the picture activities that coordinate with the 1st verse.

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture singing time activity fun way to interact with this song while teaching or reviewing the lyrics. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Finish the Picture Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 4 additional finish the picture activities, larger pictures, and black and white printables. You’ll find these bonus files included when Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Your primary kids will love this cool Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Stained Glass Art activity!

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus Stained Glass Art - Use this super cool visual aids as you teach this song with a fun activity to teach the song line by line with a strong visual to help them remember the lyrics. This will be your go-to singing time activity for teaching this song! With printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this Finish the Picture singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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