Shine On Types of Light

You’ll love teaching Shine On Primary song (archives) as it’s such a great way to teach children about sharing their testimony and light of Christ within them. This fun Shine On Types of Light singing time activity is a perfect compliment as you’ll learn how different sources of light have different levels of lumens and how that might compare with sharing our own light.

*See ALL Shine On Singing Time Ideas here!*

Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.

Shine On Types of Light

Sing through Shine On (flip chart and lyrics here) once before introducing the different types of light comparison.

Ask the children to name a source of light. When they name one that matches the different cards, you’ll reveal the card and praise the child for their answer. Great job! You guessed one of my types of light!

Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.

Sing through the song using the corresponding way to sing that matches with the type of light.

Next, ask the children for an example of sharing your testimony with that amount of “light” being shared. For example, what might shining your testimony like a flashlight look like?

Now, ask for another source of light and look for a match! Invite that child to lead!

Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.

Types of Light Ways to Sing:

  • Sun: Spin on “Shine On”
  • Candle: Sway Side to Side
  • Flashlight: Shine a Finger Light
Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Sort the types of light from dim to bright and challenge the kids to think about how much light they can share. Which light are they the most like? What’s one way they can increase their light and testimony?
  • Post the different types of light around the room. Invite the children to pick one to stand beside. Have the children sing with a volume that matches their type of light! With the candle singing softly, the flashlight singing quietly, the lamp a little louder, the star singing a normal volume, the moon a nice strong volume, and those standing by the sun to sing with their best loud (but not screaming) voice. Then rotate through the stations giving everyone a chance to try each station.
Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.
  • Hide the types of light around the room. Send a child on a hunt while you sing to try to find one of the symbols of light. Ask them what this source of light is like and how it might represents shining the light of their testimony.
  • Print two copies of each light source. Then, play a classic game of match to find matching pairs of light! When you match sing following the way to sing card.
To Think about Jesus Reverence Singing fun and easy ways to sing for singing time lesson plan and activity for LDS Primary music leaders. Use these variety of fun actions while you sing that can remind us of being reverent and thinking about Jesus!

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this To Think about Jesus Reverence Singing activity!

Shine On Types of Light Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes 3 of my custom illustrated sources of light!

Shine On Types of Light singing time idea - Explore how different sources of light let off different lumens and how that can relate to our own personal light of testimony that we can share. Fun ways to sing cards for LDS Primary music leaders.
Shine On Types of Light Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 6 sources of light, 1/2 page and full page cards, and ways to sing cards, plus black and white printables. You’ll find these bonus files included when Shine On is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

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Head on over to this next fun singing time activity, a Shine On Finger Lights lesson plan! You’ll use finger lights as you talk about shining your own light.

Shine On Finger Lights - Light up your primary room with this living music singing time idea and use finger light actions as you review this song with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this types of light singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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