Your logical thinkers will have a blast trying to solve this The Still Small Voice Number Problems code! This fun activity will get your primary children thinking about the song lyrics in a unique way.
For this activity, I’ve replaced some lyrics in the song with numbers. Your job is to figure out what each number means and crack the code as you review this song in primary!
The Still Small Voice Number Problems
The Still Small Voice (archives) is one of the song picks for September in the 2024 Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Song List. This may be a primary song that’s not super familiar to your primary children.
However, this song is a great one to teach because it shares a really sweet message about the role of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes it may seem like the Holy Ghost speaks in a special “code.” We have to learn how he speaks to us and be willing to listen.
For a neat way to review this song, create your own code using numbers! In the printable included later in this post, you’ll find a code with some of the lyrics replaced by numbers. During primary, work together to solve the code as you practice this song!
How to Play:
Start with a quick review of the song, The Still Small Voice (lyrics here). This will help get your primary kids thinking about the song for this logic activity!
Then, post the number problems on the board. Uh oh! It looks like some of our words got replaced with numbers! Can you help me crack the code and figure out what all these numbers mean?
Let’s see if we can figure out what the #1 means. Sing through the song again, focusing on all the 1s in the song. Did you figure it out? Once the kids determine that the #1 stands for words that refer to the Holy Ghost, move on to #2.
The first two numbers are the easiest to solve, while #3 and #4 are a bit more challenging. Once you’ve solved for the first two numbers, continue focusing on one number at a time.
What do you notice about #3? What types of words are these? Take a few guesses, then sing through the song again for more clues. You guessed it! The number 3 stands for words that appeal to our senses, like “listen,” and “whisper.” Nice work!
Work together to solve the rest of the code and finish by singing through the song one more time.
Number Problems Key:
1 = Words that refer to the Holy Ghost
2 = Words that refer to ourselves (I, me, my)
3 = Words that appeal to our senses (Ex. Listen, whisper, speaks)
4 = Ways the Spirit helps us (Ex. Direct, protect, give, guide)
Here’s a simple example of the number problems code for the first few lines of the song:
Through a 1 1 1, the 1 3 to 2, to 4 2, to 4 2, from the evil 2 may 3.
In this example, we see that the words, “Still small voice” and “Spirit” have been replaced by a #1. Then, we see that the word, “me” has been replaced with a #3 twice.
Then, we replaced the words, “speaks” and “see” with a #3. Lastly, the words, “Guide” and “save” have been replaced by a #4.
Extension Activities:
- If you are short on time, split the class into 4 groups and have each group focus on solving for one number in the code. Then, come together and share what you found.
- Assign an action to each number! 1 – Clap, 2 – Pat Knees, 3 – Tap Shoulders, 4 – Spin
- Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group a number to sing. Have each group the lyrics for their assigned number and have the teachers sing the rest of the words! Or, split the class into 2 groups – have one group sing the numbered words, and have the other group sing the other words!
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this I’ll Walk With You Numbers & Actions singing time activity!
The Still Small Voice Number Problems Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 3-page outline for the entire song with lyrics replaced by numbers.
Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a printable lesson plan, 1-page number guide, larger 6-page number problems, a key, and a black and white shapes version! You’ll find these bonus files included when The Still Small Voice is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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Grab our handy The Still Small Voice Flip Chart with lyrics & visuals to help you as you teach this song in primary this month!
What other fun ways will you use this number problems singing time activity in your Primary room?