Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code

This fun logical activity will quickly grab the attention of those reluctant logical thinkers as they will eagerly jump in to help you crack the code!

I’ll be reviewing Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (archives) one week with this fun crack the code game that is perfect for Senior Primary but maybe surprisingly will work great in Junior Primary, too!

Head over here to see our 21 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Singing Time Ideas! Lots of fun ways to teach and learn this song in Primary.

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Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code -- Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code

How to Play:

I like to start by singing through the song once before we start a new activity. Simply sing through the song, then show them the code.

Ask if they think they can figure out this code. What do they think the symbols might mean? What do they notice?

Pattern repeats, three colors, it always ends with the swiggle, etc.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus singing time ideas Crack the Code Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!

Sing through the song again asking them to watch for any patterns.

What did they notice? What might the dots represent? If they give the right answer, say lets sing through and see if that fits!

If not, let’s try singing through again. Point along to help them follow the code the second time if they didn’t pick up on any patterns the first time through.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code -- Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!

After cracking the code, sing through only the dots, then only the dashes, then finally only the swiggles.

For a challenge: sing the first like with only the dots, second line with only the dashes, third like with only the swiggle, and the final line sing all the way through!

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code -- Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!

Code Key:

Each note of the song is represented by one of the following symbols. The song has 6 beats per measure.

. (dot) = Short note = 1 beat (6 beats per measure)

(dash) = Medium note = 2-3 beats (generally 2 notes each measure)

~ (swiggle) = Long note = 6 beats (whole note)

How Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code Went in My Primary!

I did this lesson plan this past week and it was a slam dunk!! The Junior Primary loved it and were glued to the activity. I thought that was a success! But my Senior Primary blew me away. They were begging to sing the song again and again.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code -- Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!

One great suggestion they had, which I loved, was having one side of the room sing the Blue dot words, one side sing the Green dash words, and the teachers sing the Orange Swiggle words! It was a wonderful suggestion and lesson extension!!

I loved hearing all of Senior Primary’s ideas for what the code might have been. I heard a lot of suggestions like:

  • The blue “Crack” title letters might match the blue dots in the puzzle. So the dots might be a C or an R or an A. I thought that was SO clever!! What a good idea for a future puzzle!
  • One child thought the dots might spell out he words… “T-E-L-L…” so we tested that, hm.. that won’t quite fit.
  • They thought I was writing in morse code!!
  • Some thought maybe it was the melody of the notes how high or low they were.
  • A few guessed maybe the dots were “full” words and the green dashes were split words. So we checked them.. hm… nope stor-ies seems to be split across 2 blue dots. What else could it be? 🙂

It was so fascinating to hear their ideas! Eventually, the got it and they had SO much fun with this Crack the Code game! I highly recommend it!!

He Sent His Son Crack the Code interactive singing time lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps

Head over next to see another really fun printable Crack the Code for He Sent His Son! It uses cute emojis as the children work to solve the puzzle.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code in Action – Video Demo

If you’re looking for more help with this lesson plan, I created a quick video for the few that were having trouble still understanding how to run this lesson. Since there is only so much I can write in text to explain it, I thought I’d just show you how I lead the activity in a quick video – so here you go!

If for any reason this video won’t load for you, you can also see it over here on my YouTube channel!

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code Printable Lesson Plan

This Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code activity is one you can easily print and post up on the whiteboard to show off the code or keep the printable in front of you, and draw the dots and dashes up on the whiteboard with colorful Dry Erase markers for a fun change of pace!

I have included a 1-page version of the code for you to easy replicate.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code -- Primary Singing Time activity, game, idea for Singing Time! Or use it as a fun Come Follow Me activity for LDS families!
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Plus, as a bonus for members, I’ve added a large format printable and a black and white printable version that can be posted on the board as is! It’s included in Tell Me the Stories of Jesus packet when the featured song for INSTANT Primary Singing membership.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

This Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Sermon Video is a great way to tie in connections from the Savior’s life into the meaning of the song.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Sermon Video engaging way to teach this LDS Primary song in singing time for music leaders song helps

What other ways could you use this Crack the Code activity idea in singing time? 

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

7 thoughts on “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Crack the Code”

  1. I love this crack-the-code activity! I’ve been wanting to teach the children how to lead music with the correct time signatures and decided this would be the perfect song to teach them 6/8 time. When I found this lesson plan, I knew it was the perfect way to introduce the time signature and get them thinking about how long the notes are. Brilliant. I’ll do this activity, then pass out our scarves to lead the music. The simple way for Jr. Primary, and the more complex way with the Sr. children. I’m so looking forward to teaching this song now. Thank you so much!

    • Love it that’s a great plan!! <3 I do have a fun lesson plan on learning to conducting (it uses a beat vs rhythm with When I Am Baptized) if you want to incorporate that just search for it on my blog.

  2. I am the Primary Pres/Chorister in a branch. I just found this. It will be very helpful. I have been struggling with the music part.
    Thank you!


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