Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke

Who doesn’t love some karaoke? This fun Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke activity is a great way for your primary children to work together and practice this song!

This people interactions primary activity gives kids the chance to work together and create beautiful music! As they sing Teach Me to Walk in the Light (archives), they will strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ.

**Head Here to See all Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas!**

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Pinterest Posts 2 10

This fun activity is based off our many music video activities. To see an example of one of these activities, check out this I Will Walk With Jesus Music Videos activity.

i will walk with jesus music videos

In this post, I’ll share a few sing-along videos that your primary children can sing together. For this activity, you’ll need some technology. Many church buildings have TVs you can borrow, or you could just bring your laptop!

Many of these videos contains sweet pictures and some just contain lyrics. Once you have a platform to share the videos, this activity should come together very nicely!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke

The idea behind this activity is pretty simple. For this activity, I’ll be sharing some sing-along videos that children can sing with. During primary, children will form small groups and choose a sing-along video to sing with.

After looking around on the internet, I’ve found many different sing-along versions of Teach Me to Walk in the Light. Here are a few of my favorite sing-along videos for this song:

1. Teach Me to Walk in the Light: Musical Montage Sing-along

This video is so sweet! I love the pictures of children choosing to follow Jesus Christ and listen to the Holy Ghost. This would be a great option for Junior primary children because they can follow the music and look at the pictures too.

2. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Lyrics Slideshow

Here’s another great option for this sing-along activity! The main difference between this video and the first one is that this video does not contain any pictures. This might be a better option for Senior primary children who can read along with the words.

3. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Friend

This video, like the first one, has some beautiful pictures to look at while you sing along. The pictures primarily in this video come from the Friend.

4. Teach Me to Walk in the Light (LDS Hymns – piano with lyrics)

This video can be a fun challenge for this karaoke activity! Unlike the rest of the videos, this sing-along does not have a voice to follow. This video has the piano accompaniment and shows the lyrics on the screen. Use this video once you feel more confident with the words!

5. Teach Me to Walk in the Light (Instrumental with Lyrics)

Here’s another video that contains the instrumental with no voice to sing along with. This accompaniment is a little different from #4, but is another great choice for this activity.

Each of these 5 videos can be great for this karaoke activity. After showing each of these videos, invite children to come together with their group and choose which version they’d like to sing along to!

Using a Sing-Along Video with
Teach Me to Walk in the Light

For this activity, start by reviewing Teach Me to Walk in the Light. Once the children feel pretty confident with the words, split them into small groups of 4-5 kids. Show the children the 3 videos and allow the groups to choose which video they’d like to sing along to.

Then, have each group come to the front sing along with the video of their choosing! Some groups might be a bit more shy and like some help from teachers. You could assign one teacher per group to help them feel more confident.

That’s all! No fancy props, no printables necessary! This can be a great activity for a substitute to lead, or a fun way to review at the end of the month!

Activity Instructions:

  1. Find a variety of Teach Me to Walk in the Light karaoke/sing-along videos from YouTube.
  2. After reviewing, split the class into small groups of 3-5 children. Assign one teach to each group.
  3. Share the sing-along videos you’ve chosen with the class.
  4. Invite each group to choose which sing-along video they want to sing with.
  5. Have each group come to the front and sing with their video!

Extension Ideas:

  • Use this as a larger review activity. Gather some videos from a few primary songs you are learning. Have the groups choose a song and a video to sing karaoke to!
  • Bring some dress up costumes! Children will love dressing up as they sing karaoke together.
  • Come up with some prizes to pass out to groups for “Most creative,” “Most reverent singing,” etc.
For another simple activity to review this month, check out this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Action Code activity!
Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Teach Me to Walk in the Light Action Code Words 20220114 131942

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