If you’re looking for a singing time idea that works for all 4 verses of the hymn, Testimony, you’ll love this Testimony Hymn Body Rhythm Pattern! I’ve created this simple movement pattern that can be arranged in any order as you practice this song in primary.
This purposeful movement activity is great for both Junior and Senior primary kiddos and can be adapted in so many different ways! In this post, you’ll find full activity instructions, some extension ideas, a printable pattern, AND a demonstration video to help you prepare for this activity! Let’s jump in!
** See all Testimony Singing Time Ideas! **
Testimony Hymn Body Rhythm Pattern
Your primary kids will love this fun body rhythm pattern! I’ve created this pattern with just a few simple actions for an engaging way to review this song. Be sure to grab the printable pattern later in this post, as you’ll definitely want these visuals up on the board as you teach this pattern.
Before introducing the pattern in singing time, start by reviewing the verse you want to focus on. This pattern works with all 4 of the verses! You can grab our flip chart here to help you review.
Then, demonstrate the pattern for the first line by patting your knees twice and clapping your hands. You’ll repeat this pattern to finish the line. Sing or say the first line as you demonstrate the pattern. Have the kids repeat after you!
Move on to the next line by tapping your shoulders twice, followed by a snap. Try it with me! Sing the next line as you try the pattern together. Remember to repeat each set of actions to cover the full line.
For the third line of the song, stomp one foot at a time. Then, quickly spin around. Are you out of breath yet? There’s only one more line to go!
Demonstrate the pattern for the last line by patting your knees and tapping your shoulders. Do you remember which lines we used these actions for?
Let’s try the entire pattern! Post the body rhythm pattern on the board to help you keep track of the actions as you sing. Have some fun practicing this pattern as you get in lots of repetition with the song!
Body Rhythm Pattern Guide:
This pattern uses just a few simple actions that can easily be rearranged in any order to fit the rhythm of the song. Here’s a basic breakdown of the actions we’ll be using and how they fit into each line of the song.
- Pat Knees
- Clap Hands
- Tap Shoulders
- Snap Fingers
- Spin in a Circle
- Stomp Feet
Line 1: Pat-Pat, Clap *Repeat 2X*
“The witness of the / Holy Ghost,”
Line 2: Tap Shoulders-Tap Shoulders, Snap *Repeat 2X*
“As borne by those who / know,”
Line 3: Stomp-Stomp, Spin *Repeat 2X*
“Has lifted me / again to thee,”
Line 4: Pat-Pat, Tap Shoulders *Repeat 2X*
“O Father of my / soul.”
Extension Activities:
- Rearrange the pattern! Cut out each line and place the actions in any order you’d like! Each time you repeat the song, switch the order and try it a different way. Have some fun trying different patterns together!
- Split the class into 4 groups. Have each group sing and do the body rhythms for one line. Then, switch lines!
- See what other actions your primary kids can come up with! Want to add a dab? Throw it in the mix! Here are some other rhythms to add: Pat/alternate knees, tap your head, Clap with a partner, swish your hands.
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm singing time activity!
Testimony Hymn Body Rhythm Pattern Demo Video!
If you want to get a better feel for the flow of this body rhythm pattern, check out this short demonstration video! In this video, I’ll demonstrate the entire pattern using the first verse as an example. Try it along with me as you prep for this movement activity!
–> Testimony Hymn Body Rhythm Pattern Demo Video <–
Testimony Hymn Body Rhythm Pattern Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a one-page pattern guide with the body rhythm pattern for each line of the song! Simply tape the full pattern on the board or separate it into strips, one for each line.
Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 1/4 page and full page action cards in color and black and white. You’ll find these bonus files included when Testimony Hymn is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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Head over to this Testimony Hymn Partner Arm Swings activity next!
What other fun ways will you use this body rhythm singing time activity in your Primary room?