Have I Done Any Good? Making Cookies!

You’ll love this one more fun activity to help you engage with teaching Have I Done Any Good? hymn with tons of singing repetition – perfect for review! You’ll mix up a batch of cookies using these ingredient illustrated cards as a way to serve your Primary children and then make them magically appear as real cookies at the end!

I love connecting service with cookies – there’s different ways to help and different things you can do to serve and make a difference, and the result is that warm and gooey feeling inside, just like a warm batch of chocolate chip cookies!

See all Have I Done Any Good Singing Time Ideas here!

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.

Have I Done Any Good? Making Cookies!

This activity uses my recipe for the World Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe over on my parenting blog. It’s a really old post, so don’t judge the pictures, this recipe is a winner!

How to Use in Singing Time:

Helping others is a bit like making cookies. A little effort there and there as you help a variety of people brings a great rewards – like sweet cookies!

Today we’ll mix together a batch of cookies while we sing through our song.

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.

Put all of the different ingredients up on the board. Bring in a large bowl and mixing spoon, too.

Invite a child to come up front and pick out one of the ingredients and add it to the bowl and stir to “combine” with the other ingredients.

Sing through the song again, and then add another ingredient. You can use any of these Have I Done Any Good Flip Charts to help you review the song.

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.

Continue to work your way through singing and adding ingredients until you’ve added all of the ingredients (9 ingredients) to the bowl and mixed thoroughly.

You can place the bowl into a “magic oven” or a cardboard box designed like an oven and magically reveal cookies, or simply reveal cookies!

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.

You can alternatively send home a cookie card with either a call to action and have the kids do something kind this week for someone else. One option of the printable has them return for a treat the following week.

If you have a lot of allergies, you can have an alternate treat also available, something like Smarties is usually pretty safe. Or, you can do cookie stickers or a cookie themed pencil!

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.

Extension Activities:

  • Hide the ingredients around the room and have a child hunt for one of the ingredients while you sing through the song.
  • Use the fun matching ways to sing cards to add some variety to your repeat singing with actions that coordinate with each ingredient!
  • You could bring in real ingredients either in place of or in complement to the printables. Let the kids pick an ingredient, then pull out the real ingredient and let them measure and add to your bowl!
  • Invite the children to do a simple act of service to earn each ingredient. It could be inviting someone to sit by them, picking up some trash, cleaning the white board, putting away extra chairs, etc.
Easter Sugar Cookies Ways to Sing Cards fun singing time idea for Easter! Use these adorable sugar cookie illustrations as you pick a different way to sing through your songs of choice! Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Easter Sugar Cookies themed singing time activity!

Have I Done Any Good? Making Cookies Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes a single page printable with cookie ingredients and a 1-page blank recipe card.

Have I Done Any Good Making Cookies fun and engaging singing time idea! You'll love this lesson plan to add in different cookie making ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then, share that something good from this analogy by sharing homemade cookies! Fun lesson plan for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps or also wonderful activity for families or teachers for Come Follow Me.
Have I Done Any Good? Making Cookies! Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including medium and large cookie ingredients, ways to sing cards, cookie recipes, and black and white printables. You’ll find these bonus files included when Have I Done Any Good? is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another really fun way to help teach this song, continue over to this Have I Done Any Good Finish the Drawing singing time lesson plan. The Primary children will help you complete simple pictures as you learn the song.

Have I Done Any Good Finish the Drawing Fun singing time activity for LDS Primary music leaders. In this activity, the kids will help you finish the scene in these fun drawing challenges that coordinate with the song lyrics. Printable song helps and lesson plan.

What other fun ways will you use this making cookies singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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