I think this just might be the PERFECT singing time activity to help you teach The Church of Jesus Christ song in your Primary room! Your kiddos are going to love this The Church of Jesus Christ Song Scroll as you slowly reveal the song line by line with a keyword and graphic for each line all wrapped up like an ancient scroll!

How to Make the Song Scroll
Print out the 3-page or 10-page scroll option of your choice. You can print on a taupe or yellow paper to help it feel more authentic and dated. Don’t print on cardstock or extra thick paper, as you need to be able to roll it up easily.

Consider crinkling up the papers! Just ball them up, then unfold an flatten with your hand, and do this a few times to help the paper look more weathered and old.
Tape the pages in order with a couple pieces of tape on the back of each page where they connect.

Tape the final page to your rolling pin, then wind up around the rolling pin so that the paper rolls off the backside with the rolling pin in front. You can optionally add another rolling pin on top to wind up the part of the scroll you’ve already finished singing. You will likely want to use the second rolling pin especially if you’re using the 10-page spread! The 10-page spread can scroll from right to left or top to bottom, but the 3-page will work best scrolling only from top to bottom.
You could also use an empty paper towel roll and have the children put a finger inside the empty roll to hold it as it spins! ????

The Church of Jesus Christ Song Scroll
How to Play:
Sing through The Church of Jesus Christ song once, before introducing this activity.
Bring out your scroll and ask the children what it is. (A scroll!) What is a scroll and what were they used for? (It’s how people used to write things down). Remember, when Christ was on the earth and established the church on the earth. The church with the same beliefs we hold today.

So today we’ll sing about being so happy to be apart of his church and use this ancient scroll as our reminder that our church today is the same as it was when Christ was here.
Invite two children to come up front and hold your rolling pin or empty paper tower holder – one on each side. Then, you’ll stand in the middle and slowly pull from the top the edge of the paper so that the scroll unrolls with each line of the song revealing what part of the song comes next!

At the end of the song, roll it back up and start again! You can even have a child come up and take a turn to unroll the scroll. They may need to stand on a chair or step stool to reach!
Bear your testimony in closing of the restoration of Christ’s church to the earth.

Extension Activities:
- Try singing as FAST or as S–L–O–W as the scroll unrolls! You’ll likely want to be in charge of this one so that the pace is doable and the transitions aren’t too crazy! Skip using the piano to make it easier for everyone to sing and follow the pacing.
- Hide the pages around the room first – then gather them to show the church restoration. Put them all in order (with the kids help!) and then quickly tape the backs together and add them to the scroll as your finishing touch!

The Church of Jesus Christ Song Scroll Video Demo
Want to see what it looks like -in motion? It was hard to try to capture how the scroll works in just pictures. So here’s a fun short video to show you how to use this song scroll!
>> See the Video on my YouTube channel here <<
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Give Said the Little Stream interactive poster singing time activity!
The Church of Jesus Christ Song Scroll Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 3-page printable song scroll. You’ll just tape the pages from top to bottom and attach to a rolling pin, empty paper towel roll, rhythm stick, or whatever else you can find and roll it on up!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a 10-page larger song scroll and black and white printable version. You’ll find these bonus files included when The Church of Jesus Christ is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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For a fun way to teach this song that will get everyone up and moving, head over to see this The Church of Jesus Christ Dance Party activity it can easily be repurposed to work with other songs in the future, too!
What other fun ways will you use this Song Scroll singing time activity in your Primary room?