This fun Tell Me Dear Lord Crack the Code is a great way to engage your logical learners to decode the song as you sing through it with several additional fun ways to extend this activity.
Did you know that Tell Me Dear Lord is only include in the November New Testament Primary Songs list? If you’ve been wanting to teach this song, now is your chance, as it won’t come around again for 4 years!
Tell Me Dear Lord Crack the Code
Sing through Tell Me Dear Lord (flip chart here) once before introducing this this activity.
Post the crack the code pattern up on the board. Ask the children, what do you see? What is the same and what is different?
Sing through the song again together and ask them to look for patterns in the code.
After singing, ask them what they noticed. What might some of these symbols represent? Take a few answers and then sing through the song to check and see if they are right!
You could underline or highlight the symbols they’ve “cracked” to help them better see which ones are left.
Here’s a look at the first line and what it represents:
???? ???? _ ⬆ _ ⬆ _ ➡ ???? ????
Tell me dear Lord in thine own way I pray
Continue to sing your way through the song decoding the pattern and talking about the connection to the symbols throughout the song.
More Ways to Play:
Write a blank on the white board for each word of the song. Hint, there are 36 words for the 1st verse and 32 words for the 2nd verse. Cut out the shape icons and put them around the board.
Invite a child to help you fill in the blanks with icons where they think they might go – then sing and test! Remind them before they start that not every space will have a picture match.
Add an Action:
When the kids crack one of the repeating actions (or all if you would like) add a simple action to coordinate with the icon you’ll do as you sing the word! These are the repeating icons and some suggested actions:
???? – One hand beside your mouth like you’re talking
???? – Point to self
⬆ – Point to heaven or stand up
➡ – Dab or point to the right
???? – Pat the top of your head or point to your forehead
???? – Form a heart with your hands or double tap your heart
Sing & Count:
Draw an icon card or let a child pick their favorite. Sing through the song as you listen for and count all the matching references throughout the verse. For example, how many times does the song reference the Lord? (10 times in the 1st verse!) How many times does the song talk about me/us? (6 times in the 1st verse!)
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this I Feel My Savior’s Love Crack the Code singing time activity!
Tell Me Dear Lord Crack the Code Printables
This free in-post printable includes a 1-page pattern of this crack the code pattern for the 1st verse. It’ll be easy to reference to make on a poster board or display on the board as is!
Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including the 2nd verse, a 2-page pattern, black and white printables, and icons only for an additional way to play! You’ll find these bonus files included when Tell Me Dear Lord is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Want another great way to teach this song? Head over to see this Tell Me Dear Lord Egg Shakers pattern and singing time idea.
What other fun ways will you use this Crack the Code singing time activity in your Primary room?