The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle

Decode the picture in this fun The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle singing time activity! You’ll try to find each of the keywords that match the song lyrics and you learn the song or review the lyrics.

See all The Iron Rod Singing Time Ideas here!

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle

How to Play:

Sing through The Iron Rod (flip chart here) once, before pulling out your picture puzzle.

Reveal your song picture puzzle and word strips. Invite 1 or 2 children to come up front and pick one of the word cards. They’ll listen to the song and add their word when the hear to the picture covering whatever picture they think it belongs to.

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.

Continue with new helpers each time you sing through the song to add in TONS of singing repetition while having an activity to be engaged with.

At the end, you’ll end up with a vibrant picture that represents the song with keywords scattered all around the picture!

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.
The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.

Extension Activities:

  • You can cut out the pictures and the words and have the children search for a match instead. Flip over one picture from the left side and one word from the right side and see if you find a match! If you do, move both pieces to the bottom of the board and line them up in song order.
  • Hold up the picture puzzle and have the children try to guess the song you will sing!
The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.
  • Pick a word from the picture (or keywords) and have the children pick an action to do instead of singing the word. They could hold the sides of their chairs for “hold” or stomp-stomp for “iron rod”, or point their hand to heaven for “God,” for example.
  • Cover the song picture with an assortment of colorful paper square or the keyword strips. Invite a child to pick one of the squares (or one of the words) after each time through the song. Continue through until they can guess the hidden scene! You can have them silently sign the keywords they have pulled off the picture. Just put those words around the board as their clues and reminders which words to skip singing.
My Heavenly Father Loves Me Picture Clues - Help the kids learn the verse and discuss ways we feel God's love with this engaging picture visuals activity for teaching this song. Primary Singing time for Music Ledears.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this My Heavenly Father Loves Me Picture Clues singing time activity!

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle Printables

This free in-post printable includes a 1-page song picture puzzle and a set of keywords that can be used to cover the puzzle – just mix up their order!

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.
The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including larger song picture puzzle and a match version of this game. You’ll find these bonus files included when The Iron Rod hymn is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For a really fun way to engage with this song and review the verses you’ve learned, you will love this The Iron Rod Pass the Iron Rod singing time activity.

The Iron Rod Pass the Iron Rod fun and engaging - plus so easy no-prep singing time idea! Just print this paper iron rod and play a game like hot potato as you pass the iron rod and when the music pauses, say or sing the next word of the song! A great teaching activity for LDS Primary music leader or lesson plan for families!

What other fun ways will you use this picture puzzle singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

3 thoughts on “The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle”

  1. I’m confused about which pictures go with the words God, word, safely, guide, and through….
    you also have a better picture of 6 words and 6 pictures per page. how do I find that?

    • They just go from left to right in order – word on the speech bubble with the heart, God with the up arrow, safely for the compass, guide for the sign-post, through for the arrows.

      There are additional extended printables (including the larger 6-page grid) included in the membership.


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