You will love this cute To Think About Jesus Magic Crayon singing time idea! With no extra prep materials aside from your imagination, this activity makes for an easy, fun way to review To Think About Jesus (archives) in primary this month!
Skip the trip to the library for crayons and colored pencils and just use your imagination to draw pictures in the air as you teach this song!
**See all To Think about Jesus Singing Time Ideas**

To Think About Jesus Magic Crayon
Preparing for singing time doesn’t need to be stressful every week. In fact, I find that some of the most successful activities I’ve done in primary have been the simplest. Sometimes we forget that with kids, less really can be more!
For this activity, the only prep materials you’ll need are your creativity and imagination! Bring this song to life with this visual intrigue idea (archives) that is sure to win over your primary children.
The basic idea for this activity is to draw simple pictures in the air to represent each line of the song. Having a visual can really help your primary children stay engaged and remember the lyrics even after they go home! Let’s jump in and I’ll share some simple magic crayon shapes to pair with this song!
How to Play:
At the beginning of singing time, sing through the first verse and chorus of To Think About Jesus. Be sure to grab our To Think about Jesus flip chart as you learn the lyrics together!
Today we are going to do some drawing! Instead of plain paper and crayons, we’re going to use magic crayons. I’ll show you what my magic crayon looks like! Hold your pointer finger and wave it in the air to create imaginary shapes.

Demonstrate the shapes for the first line of the song by drawing a big “X” in the air as you sing, “It shouldn’t be hard.” Then, draw small dash lines as you sing the phrase, “to sit very still.”
Did you see what shapes I drew? Look for someone raising their hand to answer. Let’s try it together! Everyone pull out your magic crayons!
Post the magic crayon visuals or draw simple shapes on the board to help as you demonstrate the shapes for each line of the song. Have some fun using your imagination to draw beautiful pictures in the air as you sing together!

Magic Crayon Shapes!
- X – “It shouldn’t be hard”
- Dash* – “to sit very still”
- Cloud – “And think about Jesus”
- Cross – “His cross on the hill”
- Squiggle – “And all that He suffered and did for me”
- X – “It shouldn’t be hard”
- Dash* – to sit quietly”
- X – “It shouldn’t be hard”
- Dash* – “even though I am small”
- Cloud – “to think about Jesus”
- X – “not hard at all”
*In the printable for this post, you’ll see dash lines in groups of 4 to correspond with the phrase. Even though some of these phrases have more or less than 4 words, I chose to keep the same number of dashes to avoid any confusion. Simply skip a smaller word and do dashes for each emphasized word/syllable.

Extension Activities:
- Have each side of the room take turns doing every other picture/line of the song. For example, one side of the room could draw the shape for “and think about Jesus” and the other side could do the line, “His cross on the hill.”
- Assign each class a few lines of the song. See if they can come up with own pictures to draw! Have each group lead the class for their assigned section!
- Since the phrase, “it shouldn’t be hard” repeats multiple times in the song, have one side of the room draw the shapes for this line and have the other side do all the other lines!
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Testimony hymn Magic Crayon singing time activity!
To Think About Jesus Magic Crayon Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 2-page pattern with colorful shapes and symbols to represent each phrase of the first verse and chorus of this sweet primary song!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a pattern for the 2nd verse and 1-page pattern guide. You’ll find these bonus files included when To Think about Jesus is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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Check out this fun To Think About Jesus Crack the Code idea for a sure way to keep your primary children engaged with a fun puzzle to solve!
What other fun ways will you use this magic crayon singing time activity in your Primary room?