Do you love this darling new Primary song Anytime, Anywhere (archives) as much as I do? I love that it’s short, to the point, and for the great message it shares to focus on prayer!
While this song isn’t one of the official recommended songs, I love it as a song pick as part of the Doctrine & Covenants Come Follow Me Songs for this upcoming year! To help you teach this song, you’ll love this Anytime Anywhere Flip Chart with a variety of different options to fit your Primary’s unique needs.
To find the perfect year to teach this song, head over to see this 4-Year Come Follow Me Song Rotation guide. It would be a good swap for any other prayer songs or for a year that may not have a song about prayer you want to teach.

Anytime, Anywhere Flip Chart
I love creating Singing Time Primary Flip Charts and now have over 130 different flip chart songs! You’ll find all of this year’s song selections plus lots of other great songs including a variety of Primary Christmas songs!

You don’t want to miss this post where I share how to create a singing time lyrics book! It’s a great way to easily display your lyrics and flip charts hands free!

Another fun resource is these 10 Singing Time Ideas using Flip Charts! Perfect for when you need a no-fuss lesson plan, just repurpose your flip chart with any of these fun and easy ideas!
Anytime, Anywhere Lyrics
This song is published in Hymns-For Home and Church #1012.
You can find Anytime, Anywhere sheet music here.

Verse 1:
I can pray to my Heav’nly Father
Anytime, anywhere.
For He always cares,
And He hears my prayers—
Anytime, anywhere.
Verse 2:
I can listen for heav’nly guidance
Anytime, anywhere.
The Spirit will guide
As I seek His light—
Anytime, anywhere.

“Anytime, Anywhere” by Angie Killian © 2019 Angie Killian. Used by Permission.
Anytime, Anywhere Illustrated Flip Chart
You’ll fall in love with this custom illustrated Anytime, Anywhere flip chart that has illustrations designed specifically for this song. It’s a packed full packet with a bunch of different options to best fit your needs, including:

- Portrait, Landscape, and Slideshow orientations
- Colorful keywords, color pictures, and Black and White color-in options
- Picture with word blanks to add your own keywords
- In both condensed, normal, and expanded spacing to fit your needs.
Go pick up this Anytime, Anywhere illustrated flip chart in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here if you prefer that platform.

Anytime, Anywhere
Singing Time Flip Chart
You’ll love this option with a portrait condensed flip chart that uses pictures from the gospel library to bring the words to life in a new way.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
Anytime, Anywhere Lyrics Flip Chart Printable
For a more printer friendly option, you’ll love this lyrics-only version of the flip chart that can help you with displaying lyrics in a simple way with no extra frills.

Anytime, Anywhere Slideshow Flip Chart
Another go-to option is this slideshow style that is designed with a landscape orientation and can easily be displayed on a tablet or TV screen to let everyone easily see the lyrics while you lead your teaching activities.
Coming Soon: Anytime, Anywhere Teaching Ideas!
Have any feedback about my Anytime, Anywhere flip chart? Let me know in the comments!