Baptism Song Rebus

I’m not all that clever, but I wanted to create puzzle type pictures to represent the words and thus this Baptism song rebus activity was created!

A rebus is a word puzzle. Usually they are really clever, like this one for another popular Primary song:


Do you know what it stands for? One in a Million. Get it? “One” is “in” the middle of a “million”. I’m sure the creatives out there could easily adapt this to any of the other verses, too.

** See 20 Baptism Song Singing Time Ideas here **

This fun Baptism Song Rebus activity for the popular LDS song is an easy low-prep activity for Primary Singing Time. Great teaching resource with printable song helps for music leaders and parents!

Baptism Song Rebus

How to Play:

– I plan to post the posters one at a time on the board and have the kids help me decode each one.

– Sing through the song up to as far as you have added posters, repeating it over and over until you have the whole song up on the board.

This fun Baptism Song Rebus activity for the popular LDS song is an easy low-prep activity for Primary Singing Time. Great teaching resource with printable song helps for music leaders and parents!

Extension Activity:

– Use these for review and put them out of order. Have the kids rearrange them until they are in the right order.

This fun Baptism Song Rebus activity for the popular LDS song is an easy low-prep activity for Primary Singing Time. Great teaching resource with printable song helps for music leaders and parents!

– Hide the posters around the room, and let a child look for one during the verse. They’ll stay up front holding that poster while everyone sings through the song, skipping the verses you’ve found so far! Keep picking friends to find a poster until you’ve found all 6.

– Flip over the posters one at a time until they’re all hidden, singing through the song after each new hidden sign.

This fun Baptism Song Rebus activity for the popular LDS song is an easy low-prep activity for Primary Singing Time. Great teaching resource with printable song helps for music leaders and parents!

–  Challenge the kids to come up with their own rebus drawings! Give them a phrase and let them draw a rebus while you sing through the whole verse. If they need help or ideas, you can let them refer to the contact sheet.

He Sent His Son Crack the Code singing time idea

Head over next for a really fun and unique singing time idea in this He Sent His Son Crack the Code lesson plan.

Baptism Song Rebus Printable Singing Time Lesson Plan

I originally drew these up as posters on cardstock and scanned those to help others that may want to use this activity.

Because of the heavy ink use, I’ve also drawn a simple version in Word, too.

This fun Baptism Song Rebus activity for the popular LDS song is an easy low-prep activity for Primary Singing Time. Great teaching resource with printable song helps for music leaders and parents!
Baptism Song Rebus Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan, additional Rebus puzzles for the 2nd verse, my original hand drawn rebus puzzles, and 1/2 page puzzles! They’re included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Baptism is the song of the month! Or, grab these printables in my shop.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

You may also love these other fun activities for the Baptism Song: 

Baptism Silent Video or special arrangement singing time ideas for teaching this LDS Primary song

What other ways could you use these Baptism rebus posters?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

6 thoughts on “Baptism Song Rebus”

  1. I really love this material to teach primary with. At the end it mentions there are pictures for the second verse. I can’t find them, please help! I’d love to use it this Sunday! Thank you for this wonderful resource!

  2. first off, thank you for sharing these wonderful resources!! I’ve been trying to locate this “After special request for additional verses, I’ve gone ahead and added the 2nd verse (in computer drawing version only). See the updated lesson plan attached.” and I can’t see to find it. can you assist?

    Thank you again,

    • Sorry guys — fixed the file! I had added it, so not sure what happened. Maybe it didn’t save the change. I just double checked that the updated file is NOW in the post!! Thanks for your patience!

  3. I just love this! Thank you so much for sharing this with all. Would it be possible for you to share the final verse? I love your creativity. Thanks again!!

    • So glad you love them! I don’t plan to make any additional puzzles for the 3rd verse. I don’t really think it fits super well with the 3rd verse and I use different teaching methods for each of the verses. If you search the site there’s a variety of other ideas on my blog and some that will work for the 3rd verse!


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