You’ll adore this sweet themed activity to spread some love this Valentine’s Day in Singing Time! You’ll slip these themed coupons into an envelope and hide them around the room. Then, hunt for your coupons to pick a fun way to sing or themed singing time activity. The kids will love these adorable Valentine’s Day coupons for singing time – and you’ll love getting to incorporate the song(s) of your choice!

Valentine’s Day Coupons for Singing Time
Pick out the coupons you want to include and put them individually in different envelopes. Tape the envelopes to the underside of the chairs.
Tell the children you’ve lost your Valentine’s day coupons – and will need their help! We’ll look for them ONE child at a time until we find them all!
Start with the child on the front row far corner and have that child check under their chair. Work your way down the row until you find a coupon! You can also have one class check at a time to save a little bit of time. Then, invite your envelope children up one at a time.

Have them open up their envelope and you can read out the coupon together. Then, follow along with the action for what it says to do next!
Most of the actions can be used with your pre-selected song(s). You can use your program songs or pick out a variety of songs about love for Valentine’s Day, if you prefer.
Quickly work your way through the coupons and the singing. You should be able to get through between 8-12 of the coupons if you have the full 20 minutes, depending on the length of the song. You can choose to focus on just one verse.

Valentine’s Day Coupons Singing Time Cards
Here’s a helpful guide on what activities I had planned to coordinate with the 6 free cards included in the printable in this post!
A song you love – The child picks a song they love and everyone sings it!
One free hug – They get to pick a favorite teacher, friend, or leader to get a hug from.
Pick a song – The child picks any song they’d like to sing. Another freebie!
Choose one: clap, snap, stomp – The child will pick an action either clap, snap or stomp. Everyone will use that action whenever you sing a pre-selected keyword from the song lyrics.
Sing sweetly – Sing sweet and soft. Use a nice flowy pretty voice.
Sing with all your heart – Sing out with all the energy you can with feeling behind your singing voice. Not scream singing – singing with depth and heart!

Extension Activities:
- Pass out a heart sticker to each child after they’ve searched under their chair for you. Tell them at the beginning it’s because you love each of them! This will also help avoid any tears or feeling left out if they didn’t find a coupon.
- In a large Primary, you can print out a couple sets of the Valentine’s day singing time coupons. Pass them out so everyone has at least one. Randomly select one of the coupons and have everyone that matches the coupon stand up. They’ll all be your helpers for this activity! They can help you lead or give them another job like passing out heart stickers to someone they noticed singing actively and participating while you sing. They’ll stick the sticker right on a friend to spread the love – a reverse version of singing measles!
- Put all the singing time coupons in different funky envelopes. Put them up all over the board. Invite a child to come up front and pick out an envelope!
- Send home a set of coupons with the kiddos. Invite them to use them for a Family Home Evening, Come Follow Me lesson, or one each night before bed as they practice some of their Primary songs they have been learning.
For another fun holiday themed activity, you’ll love this I’m Seeing Green St. Patrick’s day idea!
Valentine’s Day Singing Time Coupons
Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes 6 printable coupons in black and white with different fun ways to sing or singing time activities on them!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 12 coupons in 1/6 page, half page, and full page size. Included in color and black and white. Plus, blank coupon templates! You’ll find these bonus files included in the February Doctrine & Covenants packet!
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
Continue over to see this adorable Valentine’s Day Box of Chocolates singing time idea next!
What other fun ways will you use these Valentine’s day singing time coupons idea in your Primary room?