When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks

I love adding rhythm activities to singing time! This fun When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks living music activity is a great way to review this beautiful primary song!

In this post, I share several different ways to use rhythm sticks in primary. Tap along with the beat as you sing When He Comes Again (archives) in singing time this month!

**See lots of teaching ideas in this post with 25 When He Comes Again Singing Time Ideas**

Use this fun When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks activity in primary! These 4 rhythm patterns are great for Junior and Senior primary! Includes printable singing time song helps for LDS primary music leaders.

*This post contains affiliate links*

I just ordered a set of rhythm sticks from Oriental Trading and I am so excited to use them in primary! These rhythm sticks are just like the ones I remember using in elementary school music class. Each of these sets has one stick that is smooth and one that is textured. Just rub or tap the two sticks together to keep the beat!

when I am baptized rhythm sticks

This set only comes with 5 pairs of rhythm sticks, but this can make for a fun incentive for children who are singing extra beautifully. If you have a smaller primary, you could have partnerships of 2-3 share a pair of rhythm sticks and take turns. This is a great way to get in lots of repetition!

If you’ve never checked out our digital shop, you will love the collections of resources, including our Music & Movement Cards Bundle. This bundle includes 5 different action cards sets that you can use with egg shakers, rhythm sticks, dance scarves, and ribbon wands!

If you are only looking for a card set for rhythm sticks, check out our Rhythm Sticks Pattern Cards Set! This set includes 30 different stick patterns to use with any primary song! This is a great resource if you are looking to use rhythm sticks often.

PrimarySinging.com Printable Rhythm Sticks Pattern Cards

If rhythm sticks aren’t in the budget this year, you can still have some fun with this activity!

Instead of using rhythm sticks, you can use pencils, drumsticks, or different household objects. You can also just use your hands as drumsticks like we did in this Baptism Drumming the Beat activity.

When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks

I’m excited to use this rhythm sticks activity while I teach When He Comes Again lyrics in primary this year! For this activity, I’ll be using 4 simple patterns, including a steady rub, fast rub, steady tap, and tap on your knees!

I’ve described each of the 4 different patterns to use in this activity. Each pattern is available as part of the 30-card set of Rhythm Sticks Pattern Cards in our digital shop. You can purchase a set of these cards or draw the pattern on the board as you demonstrate the rhythm sticks pattern.

Use this fun When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks activity in primary! These 4 rhythm patterns are great for Junior and Senior primary! Includes printable singing time song helps for LDS primary music leaders.
  1. Steady Rub: For this pattern, rub one of the rhythm sticks against the other to create a steady sound. Use this pattern for the two phrases of the song. “I wonder when he comes again, will herald angels sing? Will earth be white with drifted snow, or will the world know spring?”
  2. Steady Tap: Tap the rhythm sticks together on each syllable of the phrases “I wonder if one star will shine far brighter than the rest?” Use the steady tap later in the song when you sing “Because He said in days gone by,”
  3. Tap Knee: Tap both rhythm sticks on your knees to the rhythm of the phrase “Will daylight stay the whole night through, will songbirds leave their nests” and in the phrase “Suffer them to come to me.”
  4. Fast Rub: This pattern is similar to the steady rub, but a little faster. Rub the sticks together quickly while you sing “I’m sure he’ll call his little ones to gather ‘round his knee.
When He Comes Again rhythm sticks singing time pattern for LDS Primary music leaders! A great fun way to teach or review this beautiful Primary song!

Activity Instructions:

At the beginning of primary, review the first verse of When He Comes Again as a primary.

Then, pass out rhythm sticks to each class and have them follow you as you demonstrate a simple rhythm with the rhythm sticks.

Demonstrate each of the 4 rhythm stick patterns and have the kids practice the patterns before you start singing.

You might choose to write the lyrics on the board and write the designated stick pattern above each phrase. If not, run through the song with all the stick patterns in order.

Then, add in the music! Try singing When He Comes Again while using the rhythm sticks patterns.

Continue practicing the song and have some fun with the rhythm sticks!

Use this fun When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks activity in primary! These 4 rhythm patterns are great for Junior and Senior primary! Includes printable singing time song helps for LDS primary music leaders.

Extension Ideas:

  • Have the kids come up with their own fun rhythm stick patterns! Put the kids into teams and have them come up with their own pattern and sing through the song together.
  • Print out the rhythm stick pattern cards and put them up randomly on the board. Have the children choose 3-4 cards to use and try out the patterns while you sing!
  • Have the kids choose a partner and have each partner hold one of the rhythm sticks. Have each team work together to create the patterns using their sticks. For example, when you do the steady taps, have them tap their rhythm sticks together.
Families Can Be Together Forever Rhythm Sticks singing time idea for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Have fun tapping out the rhythm and beat with these printable song helps!

For another fun way to use rhythm sticks, try this Families Can Be Together Forever Pencil Rhythm Sticks Pattern!

When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks Demonstration Video

Grab your rhythm sticks and try the pattern along with me in this short When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks Demonstration Video! In this video, I go over all 4 rhythm actions used in this activity and sing through the entire first verse using the pattern. Just grab the link below and practice the pattern once or twice before singing time!

–> When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks Demonstration Video <–

When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks Printables

This post does not include an in-post printable. Just use the directions and video above to follow along with the pattern.

Use this fun When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks activity in primary! These 4 rhythm patterns are great for Junior and Senior primary! Includes printable singing time song helps for LDS primary music leaders.
When He Comes Again Rhythm Sticks Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Members of the INSTANT Primary Singing subscription will find a printable lesson plan and pattern guide, plus a pattern poster included for When He Comes Again whenever it’s the featured song of the month.

Head over to this post next for 4 When He Comes Again Egg Shaker Patterns!

4 When He Comes Again egg shaker patterns fun and easy singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders!

Did your primary kids enjoy this activity? Let us know how it went!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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