4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights

Light up your primary room with this fun 4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights singing time idea! We have 8 unique, festive actions for you to try with red, white, and blue finger lights!

Whether you are teaching a patriotic-themed primary song or just reviewing songs for an activity leading up to 4th of July, try these finger light actions and have some fun with this purposeful movement primary activity!

4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights - Use these fun and festive finger lights actions for 4th of July with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

4th of July Finger Lights

Summertime is a great opportunity to review the songs you’ve learned during the first half of the year! With summer vacations and holidays, it can sometimes be tricky to introduce new songs in the summer. Whether you are keeping your normal primary routine in the summer or switching things up, this activity is a super fun one!

To prepare for this activity, choose 3-5 primary songs to review. Find a creative way to choose songs during the activity. There are lots of fun ideas for choosing songs like a spinning wheel, jar with songs, or popsicle sticks.

4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights - Use these fun and festive finger lights actions for 4th of July with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
finger lights for singing time

Finger lights can be SO much fun to bring into the Primary room! You can pickup a set of finger lights for really cheap on Amazon here. It’s a good idea to add a dab of hot glue to keep the battery compartment shut. Just search this blog for more ideas for using them with your Primary children.

Be sure to have enough finger lights for everyone in primary. If you have a larger primary, you can also have each child choose a partner to trade off with.

finger lights for singing time

You’ll also want to print off the cute patriotic action cards found in the printable later in this post. There are lots of different ways to use these cards in primary! If you want to keep it super simple, just fold the cards and put them in a jar.

Another way to use these cards is laminating them and posting them on the board or taping them around the room! I recommend laminating a set of these cards so that you have them ready for every 4th of July!

Start by passing out the finger lights and posting the action cards on the board (or around the room). Demonstrate all the actions and have the children try them with you before you begin singing!

Have the kids pick a song + an action! Sing through one verse of the song with the action, then sing it again using a different action!

Choose another song and action to go along with it! Continue reviewing songs until you have tried all 8 of the patriotic actions! If you want to make it more challenging or switch things up, check out some of our extension ideas later in this post.

4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights - Use these fun and festive finger lights actions for 4th of July with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

8 Patriotic Finger Lights Actions!

I’m all about keeping things fun & simple in the summer! With these 8 finger light actions, you’ll be all set for this activity! These actions are pretty simple, so take a look through these and see what other actions you can add!

Along with this list, I’ve created a two-page printable with visuals for each of the actions. Be sure to check out the printable later in this post and laminate it so you can use it for years to come! You can also scroll down to watch me demonstrate all 8 of the actions!

  1. Draw a flag in the air!
  2. Show your stripes – long right and left motions
  3. Draw a star in the sky
  4. Cover and uncover the light so they “flash” like fireworks sparkling in the air!
  5. Hold them up high like the Statue of Liberty torch
  6. Cross your heart with the light over your heart
  7. “Draw” the song lyrics
  8. Freestyle!
4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights - Use these fun and festive finger lights actions for 4th of July with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Divide the room into three groups. Have one group use red finger lights, another group use white finger lights, and have the third group use blue lights. Assign each group a song. Have them work together to come up with actions for their song.
  • Choose keywords in each song. Assign a different action to each keyword. Every time you sing that keyword in the song, do the corresponding finger lights action!
  • What other patriotic actions can you think of? Have the kids create 3 new actions to add to the list! You can even have small groups teach a short pattern to the class!
I Am a Child of God Finger Lights or Magic Crayon singing time idea! Draw the shapes in the air that go along with the song with different actions for each verse. Great teaching activity for LDS Primary music leaders.

For more finger lights action ideas, head over to this I am a Child of God Finger Lights singing time activity!

4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights Demo Video

If you are a visual learner and want to see these finger lights actions in real-time, watch this short video! In this video, I demonstrate all 8 patriotic finger lights actions and give some examples of how they look in a song!

–> 4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights Demo Video <–

4th of July Finger Lights Printable Action Cards

These patriotic finger lights action cards are so cute and festive! I created this 2-page printable with 4 quarter-size action cards on each page, for a total of 8 cards. Just print these cards, grab some finger lights, and you’re good to go!

4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights - Use these fun and festive finger lights actions for 4th of July with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
4th of July Patriotic Finger Lights Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find large full-page Finger Light cards included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership in the July Doctrine & Covenants packet.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Check out this fun 4th of July Wave a Flag Patriotic Actions idea next!

4th of July Wave a Flag Patriotic Actions singing time idea! Try these fun patriotic actions with a mini-American flag with printable action cards for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

We’d love to hear what you’re planning for primary this summer! Share a quick idea or comment below!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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